• @[email protected]
    44 months ago

    Look, I’m reasonably left wing, but it is fallacious and unhelpful to do this American thing of trying to lump everything into “us” and “them”. Polarisation and oversimplifiying is how this mess happened in the first place.

    Conservativism is principally concerned with the preservation of the good. The failings of Conservativism are simple: it’s also quite good at preserving the bad. Why? Because there isn’t a robust enough system to determine one from the other. One person’s moral outrage is another person’s right to exist, and the other way around.

    What low-IQ, highly manipulated and brainwashed people do is they call something a name, but it actually has nothing to do with the name. Christianity is the perfect example, historically speaking, whatever is observed by the American Right has almost nothing in common with the core principles of Christianity. It’s the fucking opposite.

    Hierarchies obey the same logic. Human beings are different to each other. Sometimes these differences are the same in various demographics. This is not a contraversial statement.

    Does this stop the right to opportunity and life? Of course not. Choosing to celebrate it, along with all the nuances makes it a wonderful quirk of the world we live in. Human beings are hierarchical creatures, because some of us are fundamentally more competitive than others, some more cooperative. This isn’t news to anyone, and no amount of political posturing is going to change this. This isn’t anything to do with Conservativism, because it’s just an observation of reality. Politics that does not observe reality is doomed to fail from the outset.

    It is not “conservative” nor is it honest to say that everyone is as good at a specific job as anyone else. Some people are just well arranged to do some things well.

    • @[email protected]
      14 months ago

      This is a really good explanation. I really hate this kid of mentality online where people lump things they don’t like, like conservatism, with completely unrelated things like this comment and say that this is what conservatism is. Through this us vs them mentality people seem to forget to at things critically and immediately take the us vs them approach to everything they see