• @[email protected]
    -94 months ago

    The 90s was just the declining slope from the 50s-70s post war economic boom. But even at the height of that boom, minorities and women were totally excluded. The subtext of “it was stolen from you”, the “you” is white men.

    Not only were the “good old days” oppressive for minorities, women, and LGBT, but also massive environmental degradation; Monroe Doctrine military adventurism; a government murderously hostile to left politics; all under the threat of nuclear extinction. Frankly this nostalgia is the lefty version of MAGA, and it’s frustrating to see progressives looking backward.

    • @[email protected]
      154 months ago


      They were explicitly talking about economics, and nothing else.

      I think the reason you’re so upset, is you don’t understand what people are talking about about.

      Like, if I saw you on the beach and said “weather’s nice today isn’t it?”

      And you started screaming at me about how pandas are endangered.

      You’re not wrong, just not relevant to the conversation.

      At no point has anyone said that a single point of time was 100% perfect.