Why Boeing needs to be run by engineers and not bean counters

Really insightful video about what has gone wrong.

Among the points Casey makes is that Boeing imported Jack Welch’s GE management culture.

This has included a focus on short-term profits over engineering, and practises such as stack ranking.

Boeing, as a major defence contractor and (direct and indirect) employer, is too big to fail.

And Casey argues that either the Board or, if they’re unwilling, the US government, needs to clear out the senior management and introduce an engineer-led management team:


#Boeing #engineer #engineering @engineering #capitalism #business #finance #politics

  • Ogmios
    7 months ago

    Capitalism is about unrestricted access to economic activity for everyone. What we have currently is regulatory capture. Unfortunately we haven’t devised any economic system yet which can withstand the test of time. Even the founding fathers knew when they created America that it would definitely be corrupted eventually.