Washington Post: Donald Trump can be held civilly liable for the actions of the mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, an appeals court ruled Friday in a long-awaited decision that could clear the way for lawsuits seeking financial damages from the former president.

    • @[email protected]
      417 months ago

      He detonated the deep personal relationships I had with half my friends and most of my family, what’s that worth?

      • @[email protected]
        67 months ago

        Is any part of you secretly ok with coming to know deeper who they really were? Like, do you think he actually instilled anything that wasn’t already latent, he didn’t just fan the flame a little?

      • @Jax
        -37 months ago

        Couldn’t have been that deep if they get detonated over a man like Trump

        • @[email protected]
          127 months ago

          It sounds like you’re diminishing or don’t understand the level of polarity that this has created. My family are now Nazis. Not like a little bit. Not like an exaggeration. Like… “Restore power to the master race and eradicate everyone else”

          These are not the people I grew up with. How do I break bread with these people? How do I share a table with enemies of democracy and the Constitution? How many screaming matches and fist fights (yes) do I get into calling them on their bullshit before I’m supposed to give up? How do I avoid taking about politics when they turn literally everything into a challenge or litmus test?

          This is anecdotal, so take this all with a grain of salt, but there aren’t many people that I’ve talked to that don’t have a similar story. I just don’t think you’re giving enough credence to the damage that trump and the fascists are doing to the fabric of America.

          • @Jax
            17 months ago

            No, my point is that Trump didn’t create these people. He didn’t somehow worm his way into their brains and force them to agree with fascist ideologies.

            I’m sorry to say it but your family/chosen family chose their path, and it seems like they chose it over you. That’s all I meant by it couldn’t have been that deep, not that your side wasn’t deep. It seems like you were surrounded by bad people and just didn’t see it.

            • @[email protected]
              17 months ago

              Again, I think you’re not understanding how drastic this has been. These are people that have been brainwashed and radicalized. They have become addicted to outrage and pushed into an echo chamber, furthering their descent. It is insidious what happened to these people.

              I think I understand the point you’re trying to make, but I don’t think I can bite. “if they fell for it, they must’ve been awful people who didn’t love you enough” feels very “No true Scotsman” and I can’t shake the logical fallacy of it.

              No. Trump did not create these people. Thirty years of propaganda did. Fox news playing on televisions in police stations, military bases, and hospital waiting rooms did. Trump was the culmination of a dark and fucked up anti American plot by Republicans, but not really the cause of it.

              Still though, I think you may not understand the real gravity of what’s occurring. Reasonable people are being corrupted into hate by decades of propaganda. Assholitry is being weaponized into extremism, and all of these people are true believers. This is eroding something at the very basic core of our society, and the election of Trump signaled the start of a full scale war on democracy. Dismissing the efficacy and severity of this is cavalier.

              • @Jax
                07 months ago

                Christ, no my guy. The one not understanding the point is you.

                Trump is a literal smoothbrain troglodyte. He is a genuinely stupid person and he’s somehow managed to convince the people that support him of otherwise.

                Trump did not create them. They were primed for him. Which means any half brained sociopath on the right can easily take his place, to much more damning consequences.

                The problem you’re fixated on is a symptom. Stop acting like Trump is some puppetmaster.

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          He has some hold over people and I’m serious. I’m not about policing my families thoughts and ideas but even if I were there the entire time to keep things in perspective there’s probably little I could have done.

          They are still family but in the coming end times I’ll seriously reconsider ever trusting them with anything big or small.

          • @Jax
            07 months ago

            I don’t believe that, I think that the same people who froth at the mouth over supporting Trump were always shitheads they just kept it under wraps. Trump gives them an excuse, he doesn’t control them. As evidenced by what happened on Jan. 6th.

  • @[email protected]
    677 months ago

    Let the pile-on begin!

    I’m considering suing Trump for intentional infliction of emotional distress caused by his riots and rioters.

    And I’ll seek $11,780,000 in damages.

    Who’s in?

  • @[email protected]
    257 months ago

    This is wealth redistribution at its finest. MAGAt donors --> Those who’ve been harmed by Trump, et al.

  • muse
    237 months ago

    Looks like meat’s back on the menu, boys!

    • @[email protected]
      47 months ago

      This court drew a line that separates Presidential conduct and civil conduct. This reinforces the other courts ruling against rioters, who were asking for leniency or exoneration because they were “following the Commander in Chief’s orders.” In short, their dumb-assery is on them.

  • @[email protected]
    127 months ago

    A whole raft of lawsuits against a guy who can only attract the absolute worst lawyers? Game on.

  • FoundTheVegan
    7 months ago

    Ooooooh! FUN!

    So we are gonna see just a giant wave of civil suits.