I finally understand! The U.S. broke a window which was actually a mirror and got a bunch of bad luck!
The bad luck caused Trump to be elected!
It’s all due to the secret mirror window breakers society!
I didn’t know Starfleet was so progressive about weed!
Edit: just make some more in the replicator!
My love for you is like a truck
My love for you is making fuck
I’m with you
Hypnotist iirc, but still relevant
I was hoping someone else noticed this. Maybe they have a time traveling house?
Im with you on this one. I listen to wayyyy too much music to go back to downloading constantly
WA? DE? At least there’s a few states you can still be ok in…
And that’s why we take vitamin C!
Cissy here!
Im fortunate to have both worked in a trans/queer therapy place and have a trans child. As such I’ve learned about gender and man did it open up my mind to new possibilities. I feel more complete now that I have a better understanding of myself. I’m masculine, but it certainly fluctuates towards femininity sometimes depending on my mood. Life is complicated, and the more we know about ourselves the better off we are!
He must not be an ambi-looker
They don’t even cook it?! As a vegan this is probably the most horrifying thing I’m going to see all day