Hey everyone! Just found this place, looks pretty empty so I figured I should post.

I’m an aspiring musician. My dream is to play my songs on stage, which is slowly becoming a reality. I probably won’t get there until I’m 40, but seeing as that’s just a few years from now I guess that’s not too bad!

I’ve always wanted to put music out into the world. Music that makes you feel, that’s relatable. Music that has a message. Music that inspires one to do stuff.

So far I have a bunch of lyrics, and about 4 songs partially recorded. I’m very unorganized which hinders me from doing this more quickly. I’m also a father of 3 so I get caught up in family life alot.

Couple questions…

Does anyone post their own stuff here? I have some tunes (very raw, amateurish) that I could share if anyone was interested! I’d love to hear your sounds as well!

Does anyone have advice as to how they started performing? Or any other advice? Or thoughts? Or if you just want to make friends feel free to DM me! I don’t look at my messages regularly but I’ll see it at some point and reply!

My main instrument is electric guitar, but I also play piano, keyboard, drums, I sing, DJ, guitalele, banjo and theremin!

Sorry this is such a long post! Hope you all have an excellent day!

  • irmadlad@lemmy.world
    22 hours ago

    I am merely a musician of mediocre talent who creates because I dearly love music of all genre, save maybe a small few sub genres, but my taste in music is vast. At the age of 5, my uncle taught me three chords on the guitar and it lit a fire that’s been burning for 65 years. I never pursued a professional career, tho I’ve sat in with tons of people, and thoroughly love an impromptu jam on some nondescript street corner of town with other musicians. I always thought that doing it for a living would surely sully my love of the melodic muse.

    To make it big today you have to have these words in your track, these rhythms, has to be this long, et al. It’s all so very regimented, and that is in direct opposition to my creed of ‘play what’s in your heart’. So, I am probably not the guy to give professional advice. It’s just nice to meet another musician on Lemmy.

    I too am a guitarist and I have quite a collection. A lot of old wood like Gibson J-45s and Martins. My uncle made sure that I received his entire collection when he passed. I haven’t posted any of my tracks here on Lemmy, tho my SoundCloud link is in my profile.

  • flux@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Creating music is easy. Creating music that you like can be difficult.

    There are several different ways of going about this and you should really think about your goals. If you want to perform on a stage you should consider going to an open mic format. There are more than just a people playing acoustic guitar. A lot of people play electronic music or whatever they want. It’s essentially a blind date for people that want to make music and share it.

    Set a schedule don’t just play whenever you feel like it. Even if you are just learning things during that time. It will make it so in the time you aren’t practicing you develop ideas. And when inspiration hits have a way to quickly get it down on a voice memo.

    Don’t be precious about completely songs. People who think too much about “the song” never get anything done. You can take your time but let it go. You can come back to songs later if you really want to but most people get a better sense of what they want to do after completing more songs. Just say " I’m writing a song today" and then do it. Make it simple. After you have that song finished it’ll seem less daunting because you’ve already done it. Weezer’s blue album had over a hundred songs written for it and they only have 10 on the album.

    There is nothing wrong with tribute and cover bands. If it gets you on stage then go for it. Chances are you’ll be playing music you love with other like-minded people who would play your songs when you aren’t doing covers. The people who show up are usually excited because they know the songs and it gets you a foot in the door with the venue if they also have live music nights. You can always play a few originals. People typically won’t care.

    Good luck. Party on.