I’m afraid I have to disagree with Elon on this. We have way too many people on this planet. It think it’s unethical to have many children when we are stressing our resources.

  • PizzaMan
    7 months ago

    The planet is already buckling under the immense strain of the current population’s emissions and resources demand. He just wants more people so that his labor costs are low.

    There is nothing wrong with being child free, especially in today’s fuck up world.

    • NeuromancerOPM
      -47 months ago

      He doesn’t need more labor. He is automating most of his plants. Soon, he will have robots doing the bulk of the work.

      • PizzaMan
        57 months ago

        I didn’t say he wanted more labor. I said he wanted more people so his labor costs would be lower. Supply and demand also effects the labor market. When there is a couple thousand people fighting for a single job, that drives the wage of that job down.

        And as much as he is automating, the labor costs he has is more than enough for him to be motivated to spout bullshit like the above.

        • NeuromancerOPM
          -87 months ago

          His motivation is he wants to expand to other planets.

          Guess you’ve never really read anything by Musk. Musk thinks we are heading for an extinction-level event. As such we need to protect our genome.

          Yet you argue he wants cheaper labor. lol. It is weird to watch liberals just make things up about Musk.

          That is the goal of Space X. To send us to another planet.

          • PizzaMan
            7 months ago

            His motivation is he wants to expand to other planets.

            No, his motivation is money. That’s it.

            Guess you’ve never really read anything by Musk.

            I used to be a fan of him. Key part being “used to”. The more I learned about him, the more I realize how morally bankrupt he is, how much he lies, etc.

            Yet you argue he wants cheaper labor. lol. It is weird to watch liberals just make things up about Musk.

            Labor is one of the biggest costs of businesses, and his businesses are neither small, nor simple work. He as a business owner wants to maximize profit, and for his he has a legal requirement to maximize profits. That means that he has to drive labor costs down.

            I didn’t make this up, this is how capitalism works.

            That is the goal of Space X. To send us to another planet.

            That might be Space X’s goal, but Musk only cares for money, and the same goes for all other billionaires. You don’t get to become a billionaire without being a greedy bastard that only cares about money.

            • NeuromancerOPM
              -67 months ago

              What a way to say you’ve never read anything about Elon without actually saying it.

              Now we get some anti-billionaire rant, just a personal attack with nothing to do with the topic.

              has a legal requirement to maximize profits.

              Cite this as it’s a complete lie. It is something stupid people say because they heard it from another stupid person. CIte me which federal law or regulation requires that.

              • PizzaMan
                37 months ago

                What a way to say you’ve never read anything about Elon without actually saying it.

                I literally just told him I used to be a fan from him. You are too closed minded.

                Now we get some anti-billionaire rant, just a personal attack with nothing to do with the topic.

                If you don’t like “anti-billionare rants” don’t bringing up billionaires doing shit clearly for the purpose of getting more money.

                Cite this as it’s a complete lie. It is something stupid people say because they heard it from another stupid person. CIte me which federal law or regulation requires that.

                It’s case law, and you probably wouldn’t listen anyways, given how your dismissing me out of hand on the other stuff.

                • NeuromancerOPM
                  -47 months ago

                  If you don’t like “anti-billionare rants” don’t bringing up billionaires doing shit clearly for the purpose of getting more money.

                  The topic is children. Yet, you talk about billionaires. Nothing to do with the topic.

                  It’s case law, and you probably wouldn’t listen anyways, given how your dismissing me out of hand on the other stuff.

                  No, it isn’t. Cite it.

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    What the fuck is a DINK? lol the stupid terms these idiots come up with, what a bunch of terminally online horseshit.

    People can have no kids if they want to, its not immoral. I thought this was supposed to be land of the free, not land of the free as long as you do exactly what some south american failson thinks is ‘moral’.

    What a stupid thing to say, and what an appropriately stupid person to say it. Good job Elon :D

    • ThrowawayM
      -37 months ago

      Double income, no kids. Its a fairly old term, like Wasp meaning white anglo saxon protestant.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        Can we make ELON a term, like ‘Entitled Lonely Old Narcissist’? Who do I talk to to make that a thing? XD

    • NeuromancerOPM
      -47 months ago

      It’s shows money can buy you hot chicks. I have a hard time thinking it was his charm.

      • @[email protected]
        -37 months ago

        I’m always struck by how Elon Musk, by virtue of being rich, gets literally zero space or allowance for his Asperger’s syndrome.

        Three failed marriages suggest it’s pretty difficult to be married to him. But I’m not, so why would I care?

        • NeuromancerOPM
          -27 months ago

          I wasn’t shocked when he admitted. It actually made sense. I’m a huge fan of the things he’s doing such as Tesla and space x. I don’t get boring. As a person he’s a little garbage but that could be because of his autism.

          Just an fyi. Asperger’s has been replaced with autism spectrum disorder. It’s considered a no no to say Asperger’s anymore because he was a Nazi. I work up from a medical procedure and stayed to lecture my nurses of Asperger’s. I can’t lectured we don’t use that term anymore and why. Drugs. A hell of weird conversation starter.

          • @[email protected]
            -27 months ago

            It’s considered a no no to say Asperger’s anymore because he was a Nazi.

            I don’t care about that, and I disagree that Asperger’s is on a spectrum with autism. They have totally different etiologies; Asperger’s syndrome is clearly not just a “mild” form of autism.

            • NeuromancerOPM
              -37 months ago

              Well it doesn’t matter if you disagree. The dsm is the guide for classification.

              Just like it doesn’t matter that I agree with you. I think spectrum classifications are stupid for the most part. I like precision and it prevents that.

      • @[email protected]
        37 months ago

        I think we have too many people that use too much. It’s almost everyone in “The West”, including myself.

        If we used less, relied more on labor rather than capital, I think the resources of the planet would suffice.

        • NeuromancerOPM
          -47 months ago

          relied more on labor rather than capital

          Not sure what you mean by that one but somewhat agree.

          We need to use less, and have less people. The two are tied together.

          Less people would put less strain on everything.

          • Night Monkey
            -57 months ago

            You can eat the bugs then. I won’t

            • NeuromancerOPM
              -47 months ago

              Ack. No way. That is how I know we have hit our population limit. When people are seriously talking about eating crickets. That would take all the joy out of life.