• @[email protected]
    77 months ago

    I watched the debate between Newsom and DeSantis the other day on Fox News…and stuff like this was honestly, like entering a whole new world.

    The right has a whole economy centered around being asleep anti-wokeness and it’s fascinating. If I were an academic, I would study it.

    • NeuromancerOPM
      -37 months ago

      It’s one of my issues with my fellow conservatives. It’s about being against something rather than for something. We should be supportive of things we like.

      I find it almost satire to have ultra right beer.

      They focus on not being woke instead of the values of the brand. Basically doing what bud did.

    • @MomoTimeToDie
      -47 months ago

      Is it that fascinating? I mean, there’s an entire economy centered around woke shit, and it’s far more prevalent.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        It is that fascinating!

        I wouldn’t say the entire economy is centered around woke shit…but I’ll freely admit that marketing has entered into a political era in response to consumer preferences. People want to feel like their consumption behavior actually does some good in the world (it doesn’t, in fact consuming less overall is the best thing people can do…but I digress). But marketing tactics have responded with a bunch of green and pink washing that consumers are really responsive to.

        Target or The Gap or whoever marketing to transgender people increases profits and does not meaningfully support transgender people. The “woke” economy is just…a regular economy with organizations vying for the attention of people who care about stuff. And people care about political stuff. But it’s hard not to believe that organizations who do this aren’t fleecing ignorant consumers for profits, in my opinion.

        In contrast, for an anti-woke example, people believe ESG stocks do anything at all for the environment, when, in fact, it’s basically an indication whether an organization or a portfolio of them takes environmental or social-related risks into account. Paying attention to ESG indicators isn’t meaningfully different than other types of risk assessment and mitigation strategies, it’s just a different one.

        And yet, Vivek Ramaswamy wrote a whole book: Woke, Inc, and part of his appeal is being anti-ESG. But Ramaswamy doesn’t characterize ESG as an investment strategy; rather, it’s a subset of woke-ism. The merits of an ESG investment strategy aren’t debated on whether it’s financially viable, but characterized as the infiltration of leftist ideas into finance to redistribute capital from the rich to the poor.

        There’s a disconnect between what ESGs actually are and what they’re marketed as. And that disconnect relies on how people think of being “woke” or against it. Vivek Ramaswamy is exploiting people’s ignorance of ESGs for political power by framing himself as anti-woke…and people are eating it up.

        The same is true of this anti-woke beer company. It’s textbook reactionary nonsense. The calendar sexually exploits the bodies of women…and y’all are eating it up.

        Really, it’s a whole world of symbols and themes and relationships between them that I do not understand…but want to.

        • NeuromancerOPM
          -37 months ago

          The same is true of this anti-woke beer company. It’s textbook reactionary nonsense. The calendar sexually exploits the bodies of women…and y’all are eating it up.

          Finally, someone who understands the point of my post and comment.

          Ultra right beer is nonsense. When I drink beer, I don’t want politics. I want a beer. I want a good beer.

          I don’t care that bud put a trans woman on the can. I don’t drink that swill in the first place. I think it was a bad marketing move for obvious reasons but i didn’t sway to buy or not buy the beer. That is what marketing is supposed to do. It is to get you to buy the product.

          Ultra right beer is the same mistake. If it was local, I would buy a can as an oddity to keep, but I wouldn’t consume it. It’s a novelty item.

        • @MomoTimeToDie
          -37 months ago

          Paying attention to ESG indicators isn’t meaningfully different than other types of risk assessment and mitigation strategies, it’s just a different one.

          The merits of an ESG investment strategy aren’t debated on whether it’s financially viable, but characterized as the infiltration of leftist ideas into finance to redistribute capital from the rich to the poor.

          I mean agree with it or not, it’s still taking woke principles, and using them as the measuring stick for businesses. And much like “ultra right beer”, the main reason it’s popular is marketing towards people obsessed with those politics, just esg is on the end of massive corporate investors who want to force society to change and put their money behind it, and the beer is appealing to a consumer base that wants to put their money behind their social values. Two sides of the same stupid coin, if you ask me.

          Oh, and even the people who support esg shit Know it’s prioritizing politics over being a solid investing strategy.

    • NeuromancerOPM
      -47 months ago

      I am going to order the calendar as a gag gift for some friends.

      • @[email protected]
        17 months ago

        Looks like it is an issue outside of the leadership if you think a transphobic calendar would be a fun gag gift for your friends.

        • NeuromancerOPM
          -37 months ago

          If you think conservative women in bikinis are transphobic then that’s on you. There is nothing transphobic about the calendar.

          • PizzaMan
            27 months ago

            One of the stated purposes of the calendar is to promote “real women”, implying that trans women aren’t women, which is transphobic.

              • @[email protected]
                7 months ago

                Use what word? This ploy is so transparent that if you put it up high enough it would be a significant threat to the local bird population.

                • NeuromancerOPM
                  -57 months ago

                  Not at all but it’s been used to murder homosexuals and trans people without any consequences.

                  It also further stigmatizes mentally illness.

                  While you may enjoy mocking people with mental illness. I do not. It’s a serious health issue.

          • @[email protected]
            7 months ago

            Beer Company Rivals Bud Light Launching ‘Real Women’ Calendar Designed To ‘Serve As A Reminder: Men Can Never Replace The Beautiful Women Of America’

            ^^^From the headline. Bud Light featured a trans woman drinking a beer (Dylan Mulvaney), and they rival Bud Light by releasing a calendar entitled “REAL women of america”.

            From The Article:

            In a statement to Fox News, Weathers said, “We’ve reached incredibly stupid times when it’s ‘controversial’ to say men can’t be women. This calendar will serve as a reminder: Men can never replace the beautiful women of America.”

            The purpose of the calendar is to imply trans women are not real women. It’s clearly and obviously transphobic. And you want to buy some for your mates as a giggle.

            The entire article revolves around the idea they are responding to trans people, specifically Dylan Mulvaney. How on earth can you have missed that?

            • NeuromancerOPM
              -47 months ago

              Date who you want to date, and don’t worry about what others are doing.

              I do not see it as transphobic as I find the word transphobic a bigot word. It is improperly trying to imply other people are mentally ill. Phobias are mental illness. I do not think making light of mental illness is funny, as it has a stigma in society. It is trying to imply super straight people are mentally ill rather than it’s the way we are born.

              I would never date a trans person. That doesn’t make me transphobic. I am not scared of trans people at all. My orientation is super straight, and I should not be shamed for it, just as they should be shamed for being trans.

              • @[email protected]
                7 months ago

                What is this tangent? No one is asking what you think about commonly used terms like transphobia, no one cares about your sexuality, no one is saying you are scared of trans people.

                This is about you supporting a clearly transphobic calendar. As a giggle for you and your bros.


                • NeuromancerOPM
                  -57 months ago

                  I don’t accept that word, and please stop using it. It is an attempt to label people as mentally ill. It is weaponizing mental illness, which further stigmatizes people who are mentally ill.

                  I refuse to use it or participate when people use it. People with mental illnesses should not be mocked for your amusement.