• @qwamqwamqwamM
    1 year ago

    Thank you for your submission! We do request that you add a submission statement to your post–a short paragraph or so justifying the existence and relevance of the article you shared. I’ll go ahead and whip one up for you since I have the time but, in the future, please include such a statement when you make your post.

    Submission Statement

    The war in Ukraine has shown that even short occupations by Russian forces can result in devastating consequences for civilians and countries alike. In response to these events, as well as increased anxiety from its Eastern European counterparts, NATO has recently shifted its posture from a system of “tripwire forces” to a plan to “defend every inch”. Such a system will require massive investments in logistics, equipment, and manpower. This announcement showcases one aspect of manpower investment, the activation of reserves for exercises and deterrence purposes. However, it also speaks to difficulties the US is having in balancing an acute need for manpower with a shrinking volunteer force. The reservist will not be adding to the overall troop numbers already in Europe but will allow commanders to deploy reservist personnel as they see fit. For further context and analysis on this action, I recommend the Washington Post’s article “Pentagon may activate up to 3,000 reservists for Russia deterrence”.

    • @SomeAmateurOP
      61 year ago

      Thanks I’ll do better next time!

  • @Ieatcrayons
    31 year ago

    I think we all know how this will be portrayed in pro-russian media.

    • baker
      41 year ago

      As an aggression against Ukraine, which it obviously is, from which helpless Ukrainians must be rescued.

  • @Artemis
    11 year ago

    Removed by mod

    • @Ieatcrayons
      1 year ago

      I’m really hoping this forum will become similar to what r/CD is on reddit. While I do find your comment funny, it doesn’t encourage the thoughtful discussion that made that community valuable.

      Just gonna edit my comment to add that I’m aware that some activity in this forum is better than nothing, and I don’t mean to be rude. I’d like to trigger some discussion myself, but don’t really have a lot to contribute.

      • @Artemis
        1 year ago

        Not rude at all, Crayons! I read the comment in the thread about providing a synopsis, so I knew my comment was below the bar for the sub.

        I like the idea for the sub, and saw the stars align for the stupid joke so I went for it just to populate the thread. I do agree with you, though.