If it has been in the forecast for a few days you take some time to prepare a bit. Gas up your car, get any last minute shopping done etc so you don’t have to go out if you can help it. Schools will probably close for a day but workplaces will expect you to give yourself enough time because we all saw it coming.
Lake Effect snow from the Great Lakes is a common thing in my area. We don’t get nearly as much as the Buffalo area but forecasts can be real hit or miss. So sometimes a random snow squall will just roll in and dump an inch or three in a few hours. In that case my workplace will be a bit more forgiving about delays but schools will probably stay open.
He has been at the head of a company for years. He is now in a position of overseeing and altering whole government organizations.
He knows the stakes, he knows the responsibility, he’s been in the public eye for a long time. The salute was legit that is out of the question, he could have made any number of different gestures but he did that particular one twice.
Now at BEST it was “just” a senseless and reckless lapse of judgement or some batshit level trolling. But even if I gave that benefit of the doubt why would I want someone with that little self control anywhere near the level of government that he is currently playing with?
If I was calling the shots I would show him the door and pull all US Govt support for anything he touches on principal alone. Not a fan of Trump but even he hasn’t pulled shit like this.