• @[email protected]
    537 months ago
    1. Write three paragraphs hinting at what led to your untimely demise
    2. Die in a cave while holding your journal
    3. Wait for the PC to find you and take your 3 gold coins
  • @[email protected]
    407 months ago

    Girls in middle school also drink water so I made sure to replace it with Mountain Dew years ago.

  • @yata
    227 months ago

    No, it is obviously where you record your progress in your quest for turning lead into gold.

    • farquadsquads
      107 months ago

      I also find this fun, it’s why I started stealing journals in the first place.

    • MacN'Cheezus
      27 months ago

      People keep saying that and I’ve tried it multiple times but it always just ends up making me feel worse because after spending all this effort writing I am always reminded once again that no one will ever care about those thoughts.

  • @Imgonnatrythis
    77 months ago

    Try Gratitude journaling. Jot some notes about things and people you are grateful for that day. Doesn’t always come easy but forcing myself to list something is supposed to make me less of an asshole.

  • @[email protected]
    47 months ago

    I try my hand at journaling every once in awhile and everytime I realize what a boring person I am and not much of note ever happens to me on an average day. I could write my thoughts on a subject, but without the possibility of getting upvotes/likes/replies, it’s like doing volunteer work (ermagahd). I ultimately just haven’t been able to build a habit out of it. So I have a string of journal entries stretching back years, but it’s only once every couple of months and reads more like a, “Hey, I’m gonna try this journaling thing out and see if I can keep it up, nothing much to talk about today though. I’m horny.” Then nothing for months.

    There’s also solo RPGs and journaling games out there as well, though for some reason I have a hard time getting into those as well. Mostly because it feels like work and, with 3 kids, I don’t get a chance to do anything til late night and by that point as soon as I sit or lay down, I’m ready to sleep.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      Journals that detail daily activities like “woke up at x, had cereal for breakfast, played game for several hours, went to work, got home at x, had for dinner, went to bed at x” of the average person are still extremely important to future historians. Imagine 200 years from now a teacher telling his class “And we know from paddirn’s daily journaling that the world in the 2000s was not as chaotic for the average person as traditional media would have us believe.”

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        “In the year 2023, people still actually used toilet paper to wipe their butts, and then went on to shake each other’s hands and eat food with the same hands. It’s almost barbaric what people did before we moved to using three seashells.”