Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • 🇦🇺Baku
    101 year ago

    Me every weekday: ugh today has been so busy, I can’t wait for the weekend when people fuck off and let me live my best life. Play some games, watch some movies, eat some chippys

    Me when the weekend hits: lays in bed watching YouTube until it’s the week again

    • CEOofmyhouse56
      1 year ago

      Stop it. You’re not stupid because stupid people don’t learn nothing and that’s not you and we don’t always have to be productive. We are not machines. Go easy on yourself. ♥

    • StudSpud The Starchy
      1 year ago

      Being unproductive (how ever you define it) does not diminish your worth as a human being. You are smart, capable, kind, and awesome! You do good things. It is okay to feel unproductive, to put off doing some things, etc, we struggle but we must be kind to ourselves. I promise, you are not stupid.

      edit: as CEO said, we are not machines. Please take it easy on yourself, friend

    • @[email protected]
      81 year ago

      hey, can I just add to all the true things the other DTers have said

      you’re a friend here as we are your friends, that’s a really good thing and not easy to do, super big hugs

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      Pick something to do, go do it. Tidy up a room or something. Just a small quick win can pull you out of a funk surprisingly well. Even a half assed job was more than it was before you started.

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      Everything everyone is saying is true. You’re just having a slightly off time which we all have at some times, sometimes more than once, that doesn’t make you stupid, you are far from it. It’s not fun, but try not to be too hard on yourself hugs ☀️

      There’s supposed to be some Sun on Monday. I recommend 10 mins of pure Vitamin D

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      Hey. What’s up?

      It’s ok to be unproductive, think of it as resting and it is a weekend afterall.

      And don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re not stupid at all.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        Thanks sometimes I feel like there’s really only two days to myself and it’s never enough to recharge as well as get non work things done and it’s a waste but I guess some times you just gotta do nothing so your body and brain takes a break from the constant churning…

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          I do have to say it’s different from one person to the next in their needs and how they feel about it. Some people can never switch off from work and I that’s fine if they accept that and aren’t burning themselves out.

          But you should never doubt or feel bad for actually taking the time to rest and recharge even if it amounts to actually not doing much. It’s part of the process and it’s natural.

          Sooner or later if you don’t get enough rest your body will shut down for you and force it on you.

          And yes you do sometimes have to just take away and let your mind rest if you feel that’s what you need but don’t feel bad if you need to do that ok?

  • StudSpud The Starchy
    1 year ago

    got my tax return and some extra money, so mein liebe and I have rent, bills, cat food, and human food paid for. we have then treated ourselves to a pub meal, some beers and wine, and today a coffee and quiche.

    feeling good about it all, things will get better. it’s nice to have a little splurge to keep our morale up though heheh

    edit: i should have gotten another quiche, damn theyre so good

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      Nice nice. What sort of pub meal did you treat yourself to?

      My work hasn’t uploaded their prefill data so I can’t do my tax return yet :(

      • StudSpud The Starchy
        31 year ago

        I hate it when companies take 10,000 years to upload the prefill data. Like, I get there are legit reasons why it takes a while, but also, hurry up haha I hope they do it soon for you!!

        We went to Victoria Hotel in Brunswick, got a jug of beer to share. I got the eggplant parma (which was fantastic), and mein liebe got the roast beef roll.

        Also you just reminded me of the footy, thank you haha!

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          First time it’s been this late for my workplace and they’re no longer doing payment summaries so I can’t just type it in like I did last time.

          Granted I’m not getting munch back, something is better than owing tax.

          Eggplant Parma, hope it was nice. I hate eggplant!

          Oh yeah. Don’t forget to watch the footy tonight!

          Important game on tonight!

  • @[email protected]
    91 year ago

    I’m getting teary eyed watching Guardians of the Galaxy 3.

    Got teary eyed yesterday listening to music.

    Is there a male version of menopause I’m not aware of?

  • Hongohones
    91 year ago

    One day at a time. Peace of mind feels nice. A walk to the pride centre this morning should be good. I’m getting at least 6 or 7 ks walking every day sometimes quite unintentially so and I’m reaping the rewards. Losing belly fat and tightening the loose skin from loosing a ton of weight of last year. Finally cook my new stew today and do some aa. And of course play with the cats.

    I have a new sense of absolute freedom now I’m working on sobriety. I’m glad it’s uncool. I’ve never wanted to be cool or a part of mainstream society and never felt like I was a part of it anyway. Always been queer as fuck and always been alternative. A misfit and a punk but I’ve lost the anger of punk while retaining the passion to change the world from my own place in it. I also accept that certain things I cannot change but have the courage to change the things I can and act.

    My life is completely involved in positive queer spaces, from work to my aa home group to my volunteer work. I feel so much less alienated from them than I used to because I’m not in the queer party scene. It also wasn’t my scene. It’s restricive, mysoginistic and very much a monoculture. I had an amazing queer family once 20 odd years ago but it was smashed apart by the suicide of one of us and it’s when my substance abuse really took hold. I have brain damage from all the partying but getting my much needed oestrogen into my female brain is alleviating some a lot of it.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Oh, I’m going to the pride centre today too! I only really go there to go to Joy FM, but I should really just check it out and walk around.

      • Hongohones
        41 year ago

        Go and check out the bookstore on the ground floor, hares and hyenas. Its a really nice vibe there.

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          I had a zine published there (I don’t think it’s there anymore it’s been like almost 10 years). If I have time to kill before I have to go to Joy I might do that.

          • Hongohones
            1 year ago

            oooh, I love zines. Don’t really see them around much though these days.

            Do you volunteer at Joy? I’m thinking about doing it. I’d like to keep djing, but not in bars. Obviously I wouldn’t go straight on air or anything but I have a bunch of community radio experience from a bunch of moons ago as well. So I could be useful, and I can walk there!

            • @[email protected]
              21 year ago

              Sort of but not really. So like I am on the radio with a show that is on Checkpoint but I’m not volunteered with Joy, if that makes sense…

              • Hongohones
                21 year ago


                Winner of CBAA 2019 Community Radio Award for Excellence in Innovative Programming and Content

                Yes makes sense. Nice

  • CEOofmyhouse56
    91 year ago

    I’m cooking hash browns. If I could change the world I would insist that cooking instructions on food products be in a larger print. One step at a time people.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      What pisses me off is tiny white writing on a pale yellow background. I have to 1) put on my glasses, 2) stand next to the window or a strong light source, and 3) get out the magnifying glass AND I STILL CAN’T READ THE INSTRUCTIONS! I am all in favour of a minimum 10 pt typeface and a minimum standard of contrast. Or black writing on a pale background as standard operating procedure.

      • CEOofmyhouse56
        31 year ago

        Hahaha. I don’t even worry about taking a photo. I just zoom in with my phone on camera mode after I’ve got cosy with the window.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Growing up we used to microwave them in one of those blue cornflower pattern Corningware dishes. I honestly didn’t know there was any other way until I was an adult

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          No way. Really?? Surely it’s the rarer patterns. I’m positive you can still buy those dishes new. My mum’s ones would be from the late 80s at the very earliest.

          e: now I’m reading this article https://www.homestolove.com.au/your-corningware-could-be-worth-thousands-of-dollars-22737 and holy heck my mum definitely has the second one with L’echalote La Marjolaine - so many memories of potato curry in that. I don’t think she has the original lid though.

            • @[email protected]
              31 year ago

              I’ve already told my brothers I get first dibs on all her kitchen items. I know there’s a little skillet going back to the 1940s (not that it’s very good, it’s just got a lot of sentimental value - my grandmother owned it). But she always took very good care of her items, I’m sure there’s some classic pyrex dishes in there too.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Came home from op shopping and I’m starving, so I had a sausage roll. Will have more later for dinner. They are delish tho I think I made the tomato sauce a little too piquant, 1/4 tsp cayenne in 1.5 litres of sauce is HOT 🔥

    Finds today include a beautiful sgraffito vase I’m going to use as vase to keep brushes in. A bunch of little spoons to mix ink with . A big murano style vase ( probably made in Thailand or Turkey ) a heap of LPs, including Hawaiian music of the 1950s , Yehudi Menuhin playing Delibes, and some silver earrings with cute lampworked owls. 👍 was a good day

    I took picture of the vase. It was dipped in a dark blue slip glaze, dried, the pattern etched to reveal the white porcelain underneath and then fired

  • @[email protected]
    91 year ago

    Skipping bootcamp in favour of chilling in my warm bed a while longer before I have to get ready for online TAFE at 9.

    Part of me wants a cheeky weekend breakfast but I think I need to have my healthy weekday option instead.

    Too much comfort eating behaviour lately that needs to be unwound.

  • bull⚡
    91 year ago

    Oops… got a call from a Sydney number… was a guy with a thick Indian accent and the call quality was terrible so all I could make out was “Amazon”, so I figured scam call. Then just as I was hanging up I heard a car beep twice through the phone which I also heard outside down on the street at the same time. I’d hung up on the Amazon delivery driver! My buildings’ concierge must have been not at his desk so he tried calling me. All sorted now though, I have my 3 x AU to US power adaptors and my new computer chair cushion safe and sound.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      Wow. That was a close one! How freaky of a coincidence is that?

      If it wasn’t for that car horn no package!

  • Rusty Raven M
    81 year ago

    Meals have been prepped for the next couple of days. Now I need to make dinner. Cooking takes up so much time when you have to do it all in one block.

  • @[email protected]
    81 year ago

    Owwwwwwwwww! Without thinking, I just picked up a cast iron Creuset lid that had come straight from the hot oven. I’m an idiot.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Last bad one for me was picking up a stainless steel saucepan. Gas was slightly of centre so had been heating the secondary handle. Ended up with Bacarat (reversed though) branded into my hand because I didn’t want to drop the boiling pasta water all over myself. Bloody hurt that one.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      I picked up a glass tube straight out of a furnace, it wasn’t glowing but it was bloody hot. A few hundred Cs. For a few weeks my hand looked like that nazi guy from raiders of the lost ark, seared into a grasp shape. It was fairly painful. Luckily no scars.

      The danger of heat can’t be seen with eyes, it has to be learnt well for each situation.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        Holy shit, that sounds awful. Glad you’re healed.

        We have an unwritten rule in the house that anything in the kitchen that’s hot from the oven gets a towel or mitt thrown over it, but I should have known better than to assume. All good now.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Oh Jesus, I’ve done something similar without thinking.

      Keep it cool, cold water and if you have aloe Vera that will help.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        I think I got to the cold tap quickly enough to avoid any damage, still stings tho. On the plus side, I have no fingerprints on 3 out of 5 digits - what should I do with this superpower?

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          Well seeing as you don’t have fingerprints on some of your fingers you could get away with murder!

    • StudSpud The Starchy
      1 year ago

      neil gaiman has been my writer crush since I read American Gods. I have his short story collections, I love him so much. As a young teen I wanted to be his goth gf haha

      edit: i have his graveyard book and comic as well. sorry, im just an ancient Tumblr Neil Gaiman fangirl

      • @[email protected]
        41 year ago

        I’ve seen a couple of adaptations of his works, but never got into his writing outside of GO for some reason. Just couldn’t click.

        Farkin’ massive Pratchett fan though. I’m going into s2 with reservations, but willing to give it a shot, half of ep3 and the entire back end of Good Omens the series was created from whole cloth

        • StudSpud The Starchy
          31 year ago

          I have loved Neil Gaimain since I was a preteen, but have missed Pratchett. I will acquire and borrow from Dad and Uncle the Pratchett books. I loved Neil since I was so young, being a millenial. But dad being Gen X loved Pratchett, so I should hit him up for those books, thank you kind friend <3

          • @[email protected]
            61 year ago

            The Usual Suspects have ebook repositories of the entire Discworld series jsyk.

            (I have an entire bookcase dedicated to Pratchett!)