Punishment for heresy is excommunication, used to be a fine and or imprisonment and sometimes to be burnt alive. Bible says to warn them twice then ignore them entirely ostracizing them from society. If they were real christens they should be canceling each other for biblical wrong think. Its hilarious that people who dont follow the faith, regularly know more about what the bible says then people who are adamant “followers”.
It may be convenient to distance yourself from this, but Christians that don’t actively support LGBTQ+ issues are still Christians. They’re not “heretics”.
In fact, I would say that the Christians that have decided to ignore parts of their supposed holy book because it isn’t convenient are more akin to “heretics.”
The bible is full of hate and bigotry, and it is very clear about homosexuality. As much as people want them to be, the two are not compatible.
I expect they were using the term heretic because “evangelical” generally implies protestantism, which split off from catholicism and so could technically be considered a heresy of it
I’m Atheist but I guess you could rationalize it this way, Jesus never actually says anything about being gay in the new testament. That stuff comes from Paul’s letters.
So is the Bible not God’s word then? Or only parts of it are? Who gets to decide which parts?
If there are parts in our current Bible that were included erroneously, then how can you know that others weren’t as well? How can you know that there aren’t other books that should have been included, but weren’t? Lots of gnostic gospels with some interesting stories, who gets to determine which ones are “real”?
Christian leader encourages love. Heretics/Pharisees get very angry and call for more hate. And Jesus wept.
Last I remember, Jesus never wept for the Pharisee but instead got angry and invoked the Table Flip meme.
Like this.
(-_- )ノ⌒┫ ┻ ┣ ┳
(c’mon he’s a demigod, he could totally do this)
Punishment for heresy is excommunication, used to be a fine and or imprisonment and sometimes to be burnt alive. Bible says to warn them twice then ignore them entirely ostracizing them from society. If they were real christens they should be canceling each other for biblical wrong think. Its hilarious that people who dont follow the faith, regularly know more about what the bible says then people who are adamant “followers”.
Almost like reading the book exposes a bunch of hypocracy within the organizations that preach it.
They want homophobia. The Pope will not give them that so they are upset.
Stop saying Jesus wept(!)
It may be convenient to distance yourself from this, but Christians that don’t actively support LGBTQ+ issues are still Christians. They’re not “heretics”.
In fact, I would say that the Christians that have decided to ignore parts of their supposed holy book because it isn’t convenient are more akin to “heretics.”
The bible is full of hate and bigotry, and it is very clear about homosexuality. As much as people want them to be, the two are not compatible.
You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
Christians who think Jesus promoted hate are heretics.
The bible is not clear about homosexuality, the heretics just like to twist its words to try to justify their own hatred.
But it is very clear on how you should treat your neighbor. And that part those heretics ignore by the bucket load.
Paul is pretty clear, but there are a few interesting arguments based on context— or of course, arguments for scrapping Paul’s work.
I expect they were using the term heretic because “evangelical” generally implies protestantism, which split off from catholicism and so could technically be considered a heresy of it
I’m Atheist but I guess you could rationalize it this way, Jesus never actually says anything about being gay in the new testament. That stuff comes from Paul’s letters.
Ok…? So you can ignore the entire old testament?
So is the Bible not God’s word then? Or only parts of it are? Who gets to decide which parts?
If there are parts in our current Bible that were included erroneously, then how can you know that others weren’t as well? How can you know that there aren’t other books that should have been included, but weren’t? Lots of gnostic gospels with some interesting stories, who gets to determine which ones are “real”?
All these satanic mfers wearing rayon and eating shellfish…