Reichsbürger movement aims to establish parallel societies by infiltrating schools, clubs and public offices

  • theinspectorstOP
    56 months ago

    He and his followers – estimated to number between 2,000 and 5,000 – openly reject the modern German state and dream of taking it over and replacing it with their own realm. To this end the KRD already issues its own passports and has its own currency, the Engelgeld (angel money), and bank.

    It offers those interested in how to become what it calls a “system drop-out” seminars in how to do so for upwards of €340 (£295), and promises of freedom – including from paying taxes – as well as six-hour working days, and homeopathy rather than conventional medicine. Intelligence authorities have described the offering as a “huge scam.” People are encouraged to part with their money in exchange for Engelgeld and are then unable to change it back, they say.

    And far right voters call us elitist when we query their intelligence…

    • @fsxylo
      6 months ago

      Lol “want to be independent from the state? give us all that state currency bro. We’ll dispose of it for you bro, trust me bro”

    • CoffeeAddict
      26 months ago

      Damn, this sounds like a cult lol.

      I just don’t understand how people fall for this stuff smh.

      • flipht
        26 months ago

        They fall for it because our entire society is set up to be transactional, so when someone pops up and offers to sell you salvation or enlightenment, it sounds remarkably similar to any normal for profit company’s advertising.

        • ElleChaise
          26 months ago

          I’ll coach you on how not to become a victim of this form of manipulation for the low cost of $19.99.

      • @Syntha
        26 months ago

        Most of them seem to have some kind of grievance with the state or other issues which make it advantageous to them to deny its legitimacy.

        Like lost custody battles or lots of debt.

  • CoffeeAddict
    36 months ago

    The self-governing KRD was established in 2012 by Fitzek, a former cook and karate teacher, on the grounds of an old hospital in Wittenberg, Saxony Anhalt. Fitzek had himself crowned “Peter I” in a ceremony complete with sceptre, orb, ermine gown and crown.

    Fitzek, who considers himself to be the reincarnation of the Archangel Uriel, as referenced in esoteric European medieval literature, gives interviews only on the understanding that the exchange is filmed by his own team.

    There it is. There is always some sort of religious twist with these culty nutcases.