Foreign Ministry spokesperson Oleh Nikolenko was responding to a comment from German lawmaker Michael Kretschmer, the head of the state of Saxony, who suggested that the Ukrainian government temporarily give up territory in exchange for a ceasefire with Russia.

  • bedrooms
    6 months ago

    Russia temporarily seized Japanese islands at the end of WWII. China temporarily borrows African ports for 99 years, where that count is renewed to 99 every year.

    But it’s no problem because they will somehow voluntarily give back the territories maybe after some millennia. /s

  • @JohnDClay
    36 months ago

    Really? Appeasement doesn’t work? Who could have guessed?

    • @[email protected]
      36 months ago

      Everyone except those who are urging Ukraine to “compromise” and negotiate with Russia. Or “abandon part of their homeland that Russia illegally invaded to murder, kill, steal, rape, kidnap and destroy”, as I think of it. Absolute nonsense that it would do anything but embolden their aggression and reward their invasion…

  • @768
    36 months ago

    Von der Russischen Föderation lernen heißt verlieren lernen.

    Saxony and with extent all East German federal states except Berlin are on the brink of being ruled by a Pro-Russian party deemed by some of the somewhat conservative state level offices of the protection of the constitution(s) as extreme right. Civil alliances against the party are weak, notoriously underfunded and under constant attack by the political right. Anti-migration narratives fueling the party’s rise are dominant up into liberal discourse, right-wing discourse even unearthed anti-slavic sentiments against Ukrainian refugees. Elections are coming.

  • bedrooms
    36 months ago

    It’s a tragedy that they have to send people to the meat grinder. But the only correct solution here is the west to overhaul the military aid finally and quickly. They’ve been always too slow to make a real change.

    • NoIWontPickaName
      16 months ago

      Nah, we are great at helping israel kill brown people.

      The Russians are just the wrong color

  • Silverseren
    26 months ago

    Which is obvious to anyone with eyes. And I don’t think Michael Kretschmer is that dumb, I think he’s just a POS.