• @[email protected]
    109 months ago

    Let me guess, they are also more religious?

    Poor people are easier to manipulate. The correlation may be there, but not necessarily for the reason you think.

  • pachrist
    79 months ago

    Because Democrats are persecuting these right wing utopias. If it wasn’t for Democrat meddling, Podunk, West Virginia would rival LA or Silicon Valley.

    Probably someone on Joe Rogan claiming this today, just about Detroit.

  • petrescatraian
    59 months ago

    Something similar happens in Romania, with basically all of the poorest counties (județe) and their hometowns (municipii) in the hands of the Social Democrats. They are Social Democrats only with their name, as they love to embezzle public money instead of investing into schools, hospitals, infrastructure, and the people that are paid well are only those that are vital for them to get support. Otherwise, too little private investment exists in those places. And when things are done, the quality of the works is poor (e.g. asphalt poured straight on dirt that you can rip with your bare hand etc.)

    • @[email protected]
      49 months ago

      basically anything one agrees with. often something that an authority or majority disagree with, or are unaware of.

    • @[email protected]
      29 months ago

      I went to see a comedian, Jay Medicine Hat, who told a story about pissing on George Washington’s head at Mt Rushmore. A sentiment at the time I didn’t understand but could at least respect.

      Then I went to the pine ridge reservation with a charity drive.

      Fuck this country. Fuck every politician who says they can make it better.

      There is absolutely no excuse for one of the most economically powerful countries on the planet to have anybody living in that kind of poverty.

  • Throwaway
    -739 months ago

    Yes, because money is all that matters. Not human rights or anything.

      • Throwaway
        -759 months ago

        Tell me, which states are trying to make it harder for black people to arm themselves? Is it the red states or the blue states?

        • Apathy Tree
          9 months ago

          Tell me, which states have taken away women’s rights to bodily autonomy, forcing them to directly endanger their lives if they happen to get pregnant?

          Is it the red states or the blue states?

          • Throwaway
            -759 months ago

            If it mattered so much, and voting didnt work, why not pick up a gun?

            Same reply to all of you. FFS, the government does NOT have your interests at heart. Especially in blue states.

            • @[email protected]
              349 months ago

              Red states have just as little of your interest at heart. They just know that letting people keep a few rifles and pistols won’t actually have any measurable effect against the US army if there was an uprising. It just makes their constituents feel safe and give them their votes.

                • @[email protected]
                  9 months ago

                  You have no idea what you’re talking about, it wasn’t a bunch of morons with rifles in any of those cases.

                  Korea was pushed all the way north by the U.S. until China came down and push us back out. We withdrew fearing a larger scale war after most countries were still recovering from WWII

                  Vietnam was dense jungle warfare with a people that had already been fighting the French successfully with Guriella warfare. While the war wasn’t exactly a great time for the U.S., we weren’t losing militarily by any stretch of the terms. We had lost public support for various reasons, student protests and blah blah blah z

                  Lastly the Middle East, what exactly happened there? Hmm, about 1 million enemy combatants over 20 years, oh also about 3 million civilian causalities. Compared to about 6000 U.S. service member deaths. How did they inflict that many casualties ? Mainly by reusing weapons we gave them to fight the soviets and the shit that the Soviet left behind was used to blow shit up.

                  So I don’t what you boys with your second amendment semi auto rifles are gonna do, but good luck with that. The morons on your side of the team, couldn’t even organize a non-jackass raid of the capital building.

                  Sources: the ability to read, a U.S. History book, Grandfather served in Korea and I served in the U.S. Army.

            • @[email protected]
              9 months ago

              This is actually beautifully telling that that’s what you responded with.

              You’ve been convinced that you would obviously take up arms if anything you cared about that much wasn’t fixed by voting.

              Anything that sounds like something you would care about probably isn’t true, because you’ve been living in this same world with these same issues that haven’t been solved by voting for (how long has it been?) and you haven’t picked up your gun yet. So obviously that issue isn’t happening or isn’t as bad as people say (or maybe they’re lying to you???), and you can twist yourself into knots justifying and rationalizing why you support it because hey, you haven’t taken up arms about it and you probably never will.

        • ℛ𝒶𝓋ℯ𝓃
          9 months ago

          Which states have decided that I, a transgender non-binary individual, have no right to exist?

          Edit: No right to exist without changing who I am, accepting my birth sex, and forgoing healthcare, in which case I would have probably died of a second suicide attempt by now…

          • @[email protected]
            9 months ago

            I get what you’re saying, but I think your definition of right to exist is a bit fallacious there. Like you don’t say that certain places are taking away gay people’s right to exist, or that capitalism is charging money for the right to exist… okay, maybe some people are saying that last one.

            Don’t mind me, I’m just not a fan of garnering support via anger-inducing hyperbole because I think there are much healthier ways.

            EDIT: Yep, being downvoted, that checks out. I just hope someone would reconsider their approach a bit.

            • @[email protected]
              89 months ago

              You’re a homophobic racist piece of shit defending shit people (Republicans) with shitty laws, and getting upset when being called out for it, that’s why you’re being downvoted.

              • @[email protected]
                09 months ago

                Man, everyone just assumes I’m a Republican or something because I scrutinize an LGBT talking point. Which makes sense in this ultra-politicized online world, but still.

                I’m not arguing for taking away anyone’s rights. I’m not saying it’s a good thing that certain places ban gay marriage, I’m just pointing out that “right to exist” isn’t a talking point for those scenarios because it’s not accurate. And they’re still able to garner support just fine.

                Do you find that everyone who disagrees with you on serious matters is either ignorant or evil? Asking rhetorically.

        • @lingh0e
          109 months ago

          You might wanna look up how Gov Ronald Regan reacted when CA Black Panthers started arming themselves.

          • Throwaway
            -129 months ago

            I won’t deny, there’s some assholes in the GOP. But the entire stance of Democrats is making it harder for minorities to arm themselves, same as it was in 1934.

              • Throwaway
                -69 months ago

                Yes, Reagan was an asshole.

                Have you heard of red flag laws? It’s the latest attempt by the Democrats at keeping minorities and neurodivergent people from arming themselves.

                Yes, black people are subjected to discrimination and prejudice. Black Panthers arming themselves was key to them getting heard.

                • @lingh0e
                  49 months ago

                  You have yet to demonstrate how democratic attempts at federal gun control are racist or targeting minorities above anyone else.

    • @[email protected]
      139 months ago

      Don’t you have a 12-year old rape victim to preach to and force to carry a child to term? Get cracking!

      • Throwaway
        -229 months ago

        I dont know, Democrats, which party tried to keep slaves? Which party tried to keep former slaves from arming themselves? Which party still tries to keep minorities from arming themselves? Is it the Democrats?

          • Throwaway
            -199 months ago

            I’ll be the first to admit, it was a great PR strategy. Amazing propaganda. They changed the perception of the democrats, without actually changing any policies.

            The democrats still hate minorities, and they are still trying to keep minorities from arming themselves. And yes, gun control is in fact racist.

            • @lingh0e
              9 months ago

              Again, tell me which state governor had a meltdown when the Black Panthers started arming themselves…

              I’ll pretend you need a few minutes to look it up… even though you know it was Regan.

        • @lingh0e
          9 months ago

          So… those were democrats who carried a confederate flag into the Capitol on 1/6?

          Is it democrats fighting to keep statues of traitors in public spaces?

          Is it democrats saying “heritage not hate”?

          • Throwaway
            -159 months ago

            You do realize that most Klansmen are democrats, right? I know it’s hard to admit there’s bad people on your side, but that’s the truth.

            • @lingh0e
              109 months ago

              You’re literally ignoring almost a century of verifiable history.

              So again, who carried the confederate battle flag into the Capitol?

                • @[email protected]
                  9 months ago

                  AOC is a neo-nazi? Also didn’t Byrd denounce his KKK past and become a champion of civil rights during his career?

                • @[email protected]
                  9 months ago

                  I love how Conservatives always like to have it both ways.

                  So should we take Byrd at his word that he was wrong and would say so until his dying day?

                  Should we believe Omar when she says that she abhors the genocide that she is speaking out against?

                  Should we believe conservatives when they proudly fly the flags of hatred, white supremacy, and slavery?

                  You know that you’re on the side of white nationalism, but you have to try to muddy the waters because that’s what cryptofascists do.

                  But go on and ignore cover up the fact that people who fly that racist traitor flag are all Republicans. That’ll make it look like you care about honestly finding out who the real white supremicists are LMAO!