Consumption of regular dairy ice cream, which does not include frozen yogurt, sherbet or non- and low-fat ice creams, has been falling for years, according to the US Department of Agriculture.

  • @[email protected]
    501 year ago

    Probably because of shrinkflation and because they’re taking all the good stuff out of it. Seems like most of it is no longer ice cream but “frozen dairy dessert”.

  • @[email protected]OP
    331 year ago

    In 1986, the average American ate 18 pounds of regular ice cream, according to the USDA. By 2021, the most recent year of the data, that was down a third to just 12 pounds per person.

    12 pounds per person still feels like a lot.

  • keet
    311 year ago

    I get the whole health conscious thing, but part of the blame shouldn’t be aimed at consumers. Hitting all the major brands with the grocery shrink-ray from 1/2 Gal to 1.x Qts and raising the price didn’t do them any favors. Same with the newer formulations that barely let them be called true ice cream anymore.

  • @[email protected]
    261 year ago

    If I had fuck you money, and Ben and Jerry didn’t insist on making their tasty shit like 1500 calories a pint, I’d totally keep them in business single handedly.

  • @[email protected]
    131 year ago

    Recently, I was at the grocery store and the family in front of me at at a minimum of 9 tubs of ice cream. (2L ones). Turns out they are from Connecticut visiting Canada. According to the check out lady, people from the states load up on our local ice cream and cheeses. It seems to be quite common.

    The brand of ice cream that they got has a factory + store front about 10 minutes away from me. We drive past it all the time, it’s been extremely busy with these hot temps. With lines going out the door and into the parking lot just to have an ice cream cone.

    Sure, it’s anecdotal, but there’s still plenty of people in love with ice cream.

    • cassetti
      21 year ago

      About ten years ago while visiting the Canadian side of Niagra Falls, my other half wanted a pizza and to stay in at our beautiful room overlooking the falls. So we got a fancy pizza with pretzel crust from Little Caesars and holy hell it was good - soon as we got back to America I tried to order the exact same pizza a week later and it was completely different. Different crust, cheese, etc - I was so disappointed lol

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        Canada and US have different food and safety laws. Milk is quite a bit different, the laws are pretty strict that US cannot export their milk to Canada. There’s hormones and such the US inject their cows with (in order to produce more milk) that are illegal in Canada. It affects the flavour and how healthy the milk is.

        Canada has higher standards of what is acceptable to eat. I believe during covid they did not reduce their standards to meet demands. In the US, if the animal was sick it’s not supposed to be suitable for consumption. But in order to meet demands, they loosened that restriction. Meat quality went down during covid. In Canada the price of meat went up.

        The US is also more likely to use fillers and such to cut costs. Like how back in the medieval age, they would cut their flour with saw dust. Basically that. But it isn’t necessarily the law to put that anywhere or what the filler is. There are many products in the US that cannot be sold as that product in other countries. Example: wonder bread can not be sold as bread due to all the sugar. Subway has to be classed as a desert place due to all the sugar, a specific brand of ice cream cannot be classed as ice cream due to lack of cream (and because of all the sugar), so on and so fourth.

        It doesn’t surprise me that it’s so different. About 15 years ago I had a burger at a McDonald’s Donald’s in Mexico and it was so different, it was so good. It was like eating at an actual higher end burger joint. The lettuce and tomatoes were fresh, the patties were juicy, the buns weren’t a sweet, wet mess. And it was bigger, too.

        • cassetti
          11 year ago

          Oh no, I totally know it - there’s a reason why I’m starting a micro-homestead to raise my own meat and fruits/vegetables - because I want to heat good healthy food, not all that other junk.

          I was just so shocked at the difference in taste between the two pizzas which is not something I regularly eat anyway

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            Little differences add up! I’m glad you have the ability to have a homestead. We can do a garden and in theory we have the space to raise chickens or rabbits for meat/eggs but we’d probably get too attached to the chickens/rabbits to get them butchered. We do have a garden but I think most of our crop is going to fail. It’s been so hot and rainy here. Our back garden flooded again yesterday. Our upper garden is fine but there’s less space.

  • radialmonster
    71 year ago

    I stopped buying ice cream when people started licking them in the grocery store

  • AnonTwo
    51 year ago

    While I have no basis for this

    I think the reason Ice Cream fell out of favor is because it’s a “Normal sugary sweet”.

    It’s easy to eliminate.

    Meanwhile, sugar has increased in just about everything else we eat.

    • cassetti
      41 year ago

      Meanwhile, sugar has increased in just about everything else we eat.

      I think you mean FAKE sugar. Holy hell is it everywhere. And it’s so damn sweet.

      I actually enjoy having a sodastream just so I can still buy the occasional energy drink or soda, and add some extra carbonated water to tone down the sweetness.

      You know how much I’d love to see a coca-cola with “low cane sugar” as an option? Just give me cane sugar… but less of it!!

      I really wish instead of switching from real sugar to artificial sweetener, companies would simply use less sugar. But no, artificial sweetener is CHEAPER than real sugar, and makes the item taste sweeter, so it’s a win-win, right?

        • cassetti
          11 year ago

          Go to a supermarket, look around at how many candies and sodas now use artificial sweetener instead of plain sugar. It’s certainly on the increase over the past 20 years if you look back historically at it’s usage, and it seems to be increasing annually.

          Look at how Pepsi phased out Sierra Mist in favor of the new “Starry” soda which is made with more artificial sweetener. This lets them advertise lower calories on the label, while selling a sweeter beverage people will buy.

          I used to love buying malted beverages and energy drinks occasionally because I enjoy trying new flavors. However over the past five+ years, I’ve noticed a lot more brands sneaking in artificial sweeteners. Look at Mountain Dew - they recently started a line of alcohol-infused beverages which interested me. But go figure they were absolutely terrible - they tasted nothing like classic mountain dew with al that fake sugar. I threw them out lol.

          • RockyBockySocky
            11 year ago

            Ah I misunderstood, yeah there’s artificial sweeteners and alternate sugars, I don’t believe they’re all inherently bad from what I’ve seen.
            And yeah some people really taste the difference lol

  • ArugulaZ
    51 year ago

    I used to like ice cream, but diabetes put a screeching halt to that. I’ve tried the healthier alternatives, but they’re horrible. Keto ice cream is just the worst.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        When you break it down all ice cream is is frozen milk. Things like heavy cream help stabilize it. Sugar/chocolate/vanilla is most commonly added to make it taste more interesting.

        If you’re a diabetic you could cut out the sugar and add alternatives. Make your own ice cream it’s super easy.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Literally the only keto ice cream i can eat is the Mint Chip by Rebel. Every other brand or flavor tastes horrible. My husband doesn’t like any of them either, not even mint chip. I have tried probably 3 brands and 10 flavors across the keto ice cream universe. I have some serious trust issues with the keto community recommending absolutely horrible keto versions of food saying it “tastes justlike regular x!” And it is nowhere close. Ever. It did get me to just give up and eat better overall lol.

  • ArmoredCavalry
    41 year ago

    I’ve been buying a lot of this one brand of Frozen Yogurt lately. They make a bunch of different items (Sandwiches, bars, etc.) Honestly to me tastes about as good as any ice cream, but way less calories… Might be a little less sweet, but I’m ok with that tradeoff!

  • teft
    1 year ago

    We fell out of love with paying for air.

  • @sweeny
    21 year ago

    Who weighs their ice cream? I’m surprised this measured by weight and not something like pints or calories.

    Anyways, I wonder if this has to do with the rising trend of plant based diets. I still eat ice cream occasionally but the vegan ice cream I get wouldn’t be counted as ice cream in this data (understandably so)

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Pretty much anything measured in large quantities is by weight. It’s the most accurate and consistent method.

  • BathtubJoe
    11 year ago

    I stopped eating most dairy (except cheese — love that shit) cause milkshakes, ice cream, etc started making me get congested.

    No other symptoms, just congestion, and never with cheese. Oh well. At least I still have my cheese.

      • BathtubJoe
        21 year ago

        Nah, I’ll mention it next time I go though. It doesn’t really bother me, I like ice cream but not enough to foot the doctor’s bill just for that.