This meme would be so relatable if I had any friends.
Friends are overrated, comrade!
Friends are capitalistic propaganda to make you easier to manipulate and control into working long hours so that some guy called “CEO” can show off all of his green pieces of paper to his friends /s
Average linux user
all his friends left because he kept rambling about linux
During last gamenight with the friends we decided to play halo infinite. We all had a good laugh that the two on windows were the only ones crashing
I would not let that live down tbh
i often play gta online with two friends who use windows. they have crashes, sounds disappearing, issues joining sessions and they keep falling through ground. on mint my only problem is no cursor in social club. my framerate is not great though, 80 - 100 vs on windows it stays above 120. except for the random massive lag spikes.
It’s hilarious to me that I have to jump through so many hoops to get my old games working on windows when they run almost out of the box on Linux, but on the flip side with all the launchers and shit built into AAA games today it’s a hassle to get them set up on Linux. Like once I do get them set up they work great. But lutris, proton versions, winetricks, etc to get them working is an activity
Many games might actually be DRM free without you realizing. Look them up on PC Gaming Wiki, and maybe you’ll like what you see.
With some games it’s as simple as launching them directly from the executable to circumvent annoying launchers and accounts.
Something most people probably don’t even think of doing anymore, and why would they. But it never hurts to try.
Oh yeah the older games work great on Linux, either with drm gone as you described or a no-cd or something. The windows issues with old games I was referencing mostly stem from old graphics driver requirements (things like dgvoodoo), compatibility mode, having more CPU cores than a game can handle, etc, but I’ve found very little of those issues on Linux.
On Linux I was referring to having to run like the EA launcher, Ubisoft launcher, rockstar launcher, etc for modern games. They are so finicky and such a hassle to set up, and because they are electron apps with custom code, so basically web browsers with embedded drm. You have to get the right combination of winetricks and proton versions to make them work without issue. I don’t blame Linux at all, I blame the stupid launchers and overwhelming drm
Did they play the cracked version or the Steam version?
It was the pvp multiplayer that’s free, so the steam version.
Me playing The Finals too, the other two crashing before the match and I was more like ‘I’m just hoping that I don’t get banned for playing on linux’
Honestly Steam and Proton have solved like 90% or more of this issue, i was in this spot in the past for a long, long time, but Steam has made this work almost seamlessly for a great number of games
And then i got the Steam Deck and this went into overdrive
At this point i feel like Linux is a realistic option for a gamer, qualified of course (anti-cheat tech tends to break things, plus there’s a few problematic ones), but we are at the point where you can buy an AAA title and be relatively confident it will run on Linux (check first though)
I still can’t believe how good elden ring runs. Just about every single game i’ve played in my library has run acceptably for years now. The couple of games I had trouble with running like 5 years ago works nice now. Thank you steam/valve for the godsend that is proton and the deck. All hail gaben.
Honestly Steam and Proton have solved like 90% or more of this issue
As a somewhat recent Windows expatriate (1.5 years I think?), I certainly recall more issues on Win11.
Break free of proprietary friends ^^
All my friends are Open Source if you know what I mean
Many people commit to them and they fork off to others?
I definitely won’t be installing windows 11, so I’ll join soon
sudo apt-get friends to play games with
Error: package not found
Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package friends E: Unable to locate package to E: Unable to locate package play E: Unable to locate package games E: Unable to locate package with
Off topic… But isn’t apt-get outdated? I thought it was just “apt install”
If you’re a user interacting with a terminal => apt
If you’re writing a script or putting it in a docker file/automation => apt-get
Apt is
just a wrapper around apt-geta newer binary than apt-get (I stand corrected after checking my memory against google) and there are warnings that the apt shorthand is not as reliable in scripted scenarios. Its meant for user convenience.Apt-get is most certainly not outdated.
I tried Arch once and they use Pacman for everything.
It’s like Pacman -sY to install. Makes no sense.
At least the AUR is cool.
One day, Linux will have a nice, unified, polished application portal (not store because god forbid we see a LINUX APP STORE).
For everything else there’s git.
Git clone Make Pacman -sY lethal company Sudo chmod +x ./home/user/games/lethal_company.x86_64
“Hold on guys I swear it works, Linux is just better, hold on”
AUR Proton_EasyAntiCheatHooks Man -k Nvidia-Propietary ./etc/Xserver.conf --display one --mode C1B3 --vsync off Sudo reboot -now
this is why we habve no friends
is outdated, usenala
deleted by creator
Funny way to spell emerge.
Friends converted over to using snap, so now they all bring their (loopback) devices.
Found the Nvidia user.
It’s such a pain in the ass. Every time I have a kernal update it’s time to go into single user mode and hit up lynx for the new graphics driver.
do you mean their graphics cards or everything they make?
No idea what else they make, but my experience with theirs graphics cards is enough to dissuade a purchase of any of their other products.
What distro? Running OpenSUSE Tumbleweed here and used to have to do that too. It was awful.
They have an official Nvidia repo that works pretty great now though, and works between kernel updates.
…now if only updates would stop randomly deciding my computer can’t wake up from sleep anymore, that’d be lovely…
Why can/is openSUSE do/doing it but not others?
Will you’re almost free from that. I saw 6.7 uses the GSP firmware, so if you have a newer Turing card noveou (can never spell it) will be able to run games.
My issues have been proton with Nvidia, versions that work fine with AMD don’t work with Nvidia i can’t wait for NVK to be a thing.
For people who don’t know what NVK is.
w3m works a bit better in my experience
laughs in AMD
Must be a by-distro thing. On KUbuntu and Pop! I’ve never had any issues with Nvidia, though I know that they’re a pain in the ass to work with.
Same with Mint and LMDE, it just works.
Mint is remarkably stable. They even seem to put a barrier up against Canonical’s questionable decisions.
That distro needs more funding and more shout-outs.
Well it’s getting better, and fast imo. When I started using Linux some 4 years ago I could barely play anything in my library. If the game had online functionality in any way, chances were it didn’t run. That has gotten a lot better imo but Proton is still not where it needs to be. But things change and from what I, as a consumer, can see it seems like the biggest problem now are invasive Anti-Cheats rather than anything fundamentally breaking the games.
Edit: but yeah, it sucks when shit ain’t working and the small fraction of stuff not working is still a bit much to swallow
I’ve built my current gaming pc in april of 2022, installed ubuntu and really haven’t had any issues that weren’t solved by 5 minutes of googling
for me it’s mostly because i specifically messed something up
I prefer co op games anyway so there is no reason to be forced to opt into an anti cheat game but here we are.
Haven’t run into a game yet that doesn’t run on Linux when using Proton. 👌
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That’s gotta be rectifiable somehow. Did you contact some sort of support?
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That ban also pop up on your steam account? Because if it does that can screw you in other games if they have community servers.
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I was banned from The Finals for playing on Linux
How is that not illegal?
Well, civil rights lawyers have been pretty busy lately trying to stop the slide into facism, so they haven’t gotten around to making our choice of OS a protected class.
Seriously though, why would it be illegal? It’s their game, so they get to be assholes and decide who gets to play it with them. I don’t think that’s ever going to change, and I’m not sure it should. We do the same thing in the Fediverse, deciding who gets to use the instances we control.
I would say claiming that a game supports a certain operating system and then banning players for playing it on the system is false advertising, especially if the game is paid.
The game is listed as not supporting SteamOS (Arguably the most popular linux distro for gaming right now) and incorporating drm that does not work on Linux, this is far from false advertising as I can see it.
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If someone buys a product from you, you shouln’t be able to deny them from using it based on arbitrary criteria without a refund.
Don’t worry, they refunded his $0 for the free game.
Oh, it’s free? Then never mind.
Most of the games not running today would run perfectly if they did not have some bullshit anti-cheat implemented (Easy Anti-Cheat is I think the worst offender here).
Source: personal experience checking ProtonDB for games I want to play
Unfortunately there’s a cheating plague right now. It’s never been easier to cheat. It’s a huge problem in any competitive shooter. If you want your game to be successful, you need decent anti cheat.
I can’t blame the devs for using a plug and play solution.
I understand developers needs for decent Anti-Cheat and I am not faulting them for using Anti-Cheat systems in general.
But Kernel level Anti-Cheats should not exist. No application should ever have this level of access over your entire PC. You have no idea what these Anti-Cheats are doing, you have no idea what data they are collecting and sending to whom and you have no idea what kind of security flaws they introduce. For all you know every password you type on your computer is shared with the companies using Kernel Level Anti-Cheat. Your PC might as well have no password anymore. If someone finds an exploit for Easy Anti-Cheat (or any of the other dozen Kernel level Anti-Cheats out there) and deploys a Virus over it then your best bet is turning religious because praying for divine intervention would be more effective than any Anti-Virus software.
Has that literally ever happened with kernal level anti-cheats?
Even though all that’s true I’d rather roll the dice than play another tarkov wipe with rampant cheaters.
No matter how invasive the anti cheat is, if you could guarantee no cheaters I’m in
I love my privacy and all, but I’d give it away to game with real players lol.
if you could guarantee no cheaters I’m in
Well if that were working I doubt we’d have two dozen Anti-Cheat Systems. You can lock down a system as much as you want the cheaters will always find a way unless the game itself discourages it.
And then this isn’t as much about privacy as it is about basic system security. I mean sure the privacy concern is there but it’s less of a concern for most people. There’s not much to gain from a rootkit with average Joe, after all their entire life is already on Instagram. No the far more serious part is that these Anti-Cheats are ripping country sized holes into your computers security, as can be seen beautifully by Genshin’s kernel level
malwareanti-cheat being used as a convenient rootkit for a ransomware ( If you are willing to compromise your PC’s security for a tiny decrease in cheaters sure go ahead, but don’t come crying when it inevitably blows up in your face and your PC becomes the victim of a hack exploiting this shit.Once upon a time all Apps ran on Kernel level, there’s a reason we don’t do that anymore.
Idk dude I just don’t care. I’m not fort fucking Knox I’m just trying to play some fucking video games. My computer doesn’t need to be the most secure thing on the planet.
Huh? Easy Anti-Cheat is the one that actually works for me on Linux.
see my reply to another comment here. I mentioned EAC simply because most games use it and don’t enable the required flag for Linux support.
Ah, TIL! Thanks :]
Battlebit Remastered ran fine with EZ anti-cheat through steam on Mint 21.3, with no exra steps required, just this week. Did something get fixed, or was I just lucky?
iirc Easy-Anticheat has a sort of “Lite” mode that also runs on Linux, enabling it makes the games work with Proton but iirc degrades the Anticheat capabilities on those Systems. Because the Linux Anticheat isn’t as effective (and because it’s an Opt-In) most games don’t use it.
Talking a lot out of my ass here but I think that’s how it was explained back when they made that change.
The only games that give me any trouble are some Japanese VNs, which can be absolutely cursed for some reason. Like, massive tech juggernauts like Cyberpunk are click and play, but I’ve spent hours getting books-with-PNGs working.
That’s because their code quality is usually an absolute dumpster fire that only works if Wine exactly replicates obscure Windows bugs.
My problem is that I enjoy specific multiplayer games. League, Val, Finals. Those are the three right now and riot specifically seems a tad disinterested in Linux. Sadge.
League is owned by Tencent who is specifically interested in using the software for the benefit of the Chinese government as is mandatory for them. They don’t want you using an OS with actual security. Heck, they don’t even want you to see a skin or splash art that hasn’t been approved by their government!
The anti cheat in league is literally a rootkit.
When it came out there was an outcry and their statement was basically “okay okay, so its a rootkit. But guys, you can trust us! We’re totally not going to do anything nefarious with it!”
I can’t believe people still play that shit.
You mean Vanguard, which was announced but isn’t actually in the game yet. Their plan is to add it late February or early March. We don’t actually know any details about the implementation except that it won’t be used in the macOS version.
I thought it was going to be added this 24th, I was playing this week a lot as a “last goodbye” for that reason
Destiny 2 still won’t work, and Simracing is still a no go.
The simracing part is a real bummer. That’s the only reason I’m still on Win.
That just means you can’t buy 12 dlc to unlock the seasons, dungeons, raids, and whatever the hell else they’re paywalling. Destiny got enshittified.
I recommend warframe as a destiny alternative. But Beware! if you like the game you may sink thousands of hours into it
Ha, jokes on you, already Legend rank 3. ~I have no life.~
There are a couple, but I’m spoiled for choice with great games so the convenience of being able to run something on my Steam Deck means that the few that don’t run just drop to the bottom of the backlog. Proton is really a brilliant feat of engineering.
the one i am the most sad about is magicka 1 - great game but getting it to run on linux is (as far as i’ve found so far) pretty much impossible.
Won’t claim that it runs all that great on windows either though - getting through a chapter without crashing is rarer than i’d like it to be…
I recently heard about this. I used to play it. I searched on the steam discussion page and there is a fan patch that fixes all the crashes. It is on github. I found it for you. Try this.
was aware of it but it sadly doesn’t run on linux (at least not after me doing trial and error for 4 hours) and i felt the comparison to the unmodded one on windows fairer under these circumstances - thanks for trying to help though :)
Genshin Impact, anticheat thibjs you’re cheating, blocked until fixed. Happens every update.
Good luck!
Genshin works by now lol
I’ve run into many, the latest being Rising Storm 2. Its development has been suspended and the EAC is a version that doesn’t work with Linux, so you can’t play on any servers except the ones that allow hackers. There’s also the issues with performance in Squad on Linux. Starship Troopers: Extermination also runs better on Windows. That’s just the ones I’ve had an issue with in the past month.
That being said, I’m still not willing to go back to Windows, even to play these games.
As a novice, how does one use proton, and can I install StarCraft 2
You install it from within Steam,
or using flatpak if you’re installing Steam via flatpak[Proton on flatpak has reached EOL, try installing via Steam instead]. Then in settings you set it so every game uses the Proton compatibility layer, or whatever it’s called. You don’t have to do it per game, it’s a global setting (as well as a setting for each game if you prefer).I can’t answer for a specific game though, you’d have to simply try it out or check a database which has info on games that can run using Proton. I don’t know the site from memory.
Thanks for the info!
On Eindows, StarCraft 2 comes from the Blizzard launcher.
I’m curious to know if I get a steam deck if I can play non steam games. I don’t really want to install windows on it.
Let’s hope someone who knows about Steam Deck can answer that for you. Otherwise I’d try to find a community dedicated to Steam Deck. 👍
Ha yeah I’ll investigate. I believe it has a desktop you can get to with browser etc, and it’s based on Arch. So perhaps it’s possible somehow.
Thanks anyway
For me it’s mostly games that work for everyone else on Linux.
Are you saying you haven’t been able to get it to work?
GtaV on Steam just doesn’t start since years and on multiple computers. Same for others who generally are considered good on proton.
Online game… Hm, anti cheat kicking in? Any error messages, GUI or in console?
Sadly no, offline games, steam only tells me on cli it shut them down
I mean, some games do not work. Because they do not work on Windows as well. Looking at you, ksp 2 🤦♂️
It’s such a shame about KSP 2. I was so hyped when I saw it was announced, then it all turned to shiz.
Haven’t run into a game yet that doesn’t run on Windows.
Without the need to fiddle with any settings. It is all just click and play.
Same experience on Linux for me. Install Steam, install Proton, set it to be default for all games. Click and play. 🙂👍 Not really “fiddling”. It’s a one-time thing that I equate to just installing Steam. Very good experience.
I pretty much only have issues with ea stuff. I was playing it takes two, and it was like 50/50 if it would work for me. It always worked for my friend on windows.
Maybe i bricked something in my machine somewhere when messing with drivers for machine learning cuda support. But I often have games that are ‘supported’ through proton but fail to launch or even crash my PC. Metro exodus & deep rock to name a few. Other games do run great. But still things like steam big picture being laggy is annoying.
yeh that’ll probably be it tbf… the cuda drivers are specifically for scientific computing and are pretty rubbish for anything else unfortunately… even amd ones are like that :(
however a way i found around it is to just push my gpu compute envs to docker and voila (also avoids the pain of installing the drivers cos nvidia actually provides a cuda docker image) :D
That’s actually a good tip. Even though I don’t use CUDA and never have.
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I love Linux, but I never expect it to be mainstream or even extremely accessible to typical users. In fact, if it made it to mainstream, it’d probably get ruined somehow by corporate interference, monetization, etc. How you may ask? Well, corporations have a lot of money and influence and I’m sure they could “find a way” if motivated to do so.
I love Linux, but I never expect it to be mainstream or even extremely accessible to typical users
It already is mainstream. You probably own 10 times as many computers running Linux than Windows without even knowing it.
Desktop computers are a just a tiny part of the market.
it’d probably get ruined somehow by corporate interference, monetization, etc.
Yeah, it did. It’s called Android.
Yeah, it did. It’s called Android.
Aren’t there Android versions that don’t have all the Google things and are open source? (GrapheneOS and LineageOS) If you’re just talking about your average android I’m afraid I agree and am an offender myself. (I hope to change that one day though)
Google still controls the source, and so they have influence over the rest.
It’s like Ungoogled Chromium. Sure, it’s open source. Sure, if might have Google crap removed. Google still calls the shots on the direction of the browser.
Same still meaningfully applies to Chromium-based browsers.
That’s good to know.
This is a dumb argument. Yes, my phone uses Linux. How many of the Android users actively come in contact with the underlying system?
Mainstream Linux means a big part of people actively choosing to install a Linux distribution or buy a computer or notebook with a real Linux distro pre installed (not that lightweight barebones distro they preinstall so they can sell it without Windows but with OS).
I use Gentoo, the family PC has OpenSUSE, only my wife’s laptop has Windows… Because guess what, she wants to use what she’s used to, what she knows.
Mainstream Linux means a big part of people actively choosing to install a Linux distribution or buy a computer or notebook
How is that mainstream? Desktop computers (including notebooks) are a niche market.
Apple uses *NIX, it will either become hardware specific versions or Linux where you pay for the OS with the hardware, or be like Red Hat where you pay if you want to do anything.
The idea is that the base should be open, so you can build whatever you want on top of it.
i have relinquished to windows. I log into all my pcs with my phone number now its so convenient i have like 4 licenses attached to it from buying hardware. They give me pennies for my data on Bing its hilarious ill get an Xbox 7 someday for free as a corpobitch
The new outlook though that is so ass. I expect windows 12 to be a much better experience and fully integrate the modern bloat like which sports team won last night right into my retinas!
Sounds like they gave you a free lobotomy too.
i needed it now i dont have enough neurons to experience distress
For everything else, there will always be the Debian Foundation.
This seems dated. I’m not saying there is no issues but man has it improved so much.
Improved =/= working 100% of the time
Ah, yes, not 100% of the time. You know, like Windows. Thanks for the laugh.
I use Android btw
Gotta get that Bingo Blitz!
Implying that windows is stable, lol
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So much shit keeps moving… Usually for NO REASON, even on Android run into it all the time.
Correct. There are still games that don’t work because there is actual work being done to make them not work.
I wonder where the problem is… must be Linux’ fault.
I am ignorant. Please explain.
DRM in many games doesn’t work on Linux. In some cases, like games that use EAC, this is technically just a checkbox at build time where they decide not to support Linux.
There are also some weird libraries and low-level interfaces that refuse to even work through wine/proton, but that’s pretty rare nowadays. You have to be actively trying to find something that won’t work at all on Linux.
I am ignorant. Please explain.
I assume using anti cheat and not including the files so it works on Linux. I’m of the opinion people shouldn’t buy games with anti cheat, but that’s just my opinion.
Meh i had to restart overwatch a few times because it has a bug where sometimes miving my mouse in any way causes me to look up and spin counter clockwise at an insane speed… So yeah theres that
It has but for multiplayer games and especially a game you never launched before there can be some friction.
For sure, but just as an example I tried starting Black Mesa on steam yesterday, which has a native release, but had to tinker quite a bit to get it working. Unfortunately I think it’s often the case that the native releases gets forgotten and lags behind the windows/proton releases
It’s different for different people. The distro, the hardware, and the game can all have an effect on how often problems arise.
Impossible, I’ve had Linux users swear to me that gaming on Linux is now perfect and even better than on Windows!
I’ve had people tell me that they experience better performance running games on Linux through Proton compared to running them natively on Windows. A while back, I decided to try Windows for the first time since 2002 on actual hardware. With TF2, I encountered significantly more crashes & lag compared to running it on my Arch install…
I can echo this. My games do have better performance running on pop_os rather than Windows.
This seems to be the Windows/Linux yinyang in gaming.
If you go through the effort (or non-effort. It really seems to be luck-based) of getting a gaming rig working in linux, 99% of the time it is simply better at everything, crashes less, etc. The 1% can require hours or more of troubleshooting.
Windows runs slower and worse than linux, and arguably less stable. But you boot up, click play, and (largely) it just plays.
That’s also my recent experience with Ubuntu on a gaming laptop. Every single step of the way gives me trouble, but when I manage to run something in the linux side, boy does it run well. So I’ve got this nice “todo” since I already blew my only free day on it last weekend.
A friend of a friend tried daily driving Ubuntu recently & had a few problems (some of which were gaming related). They eventually switched to Linux Mint and pretty much most of their problems seemed to disappear…
Interesting. I wish I could bring myself to like mint. I’ve typecast myself as an ubuntu-head ever since I went full “Elder Price” with the CDs back at my first dev gig.
I’ve never used mint myself, but I’ve heard good things about it. Last time I used Ubuntu on actual hardware was around 2008 I think. For the most part I’ve been using either Arch, Debian or Fedora…
It usually goes like this:
- in certain games, with certain (usually low-medium) settings, without raytracing, with proprietary drivers if nvidia
If you’re getting crashes and lag on TF2, that’s your pc. Do you have to hand crank it or something?
I have to wait for the vacuum tubes to warm up when i turn it on
See I only got lag & crashes on windows, when on my Arch install I had/have no problems whatsoever. I haven’t used windows since 2002 & don’t really plan on doing so any time soon, the install was just to quickly see what windows 10 was like compared to Linux…
Having problems with games sometimes is better than having less problems with games at the cost of your system being bloated, slow and designed in such a way that when it breaks you can’t do anything about it besides sfc /scannow and when that doesn’t work as usual, a complete os reinstall. Linux saves me time but that’s only because it’s possible to have the skill to fix all the random issues you run into, unlike with Windows.
Its not perfect, but its really damn good.
Just takes a little patience and research, mostly to find out if the type of games you generally play use invasive anticheat/drm or not, since those are the most likely to not run.
but I wont say protons perfect. I’ve had a few games with issues, some big, some small… All usually get fixed with time, though, and now those games run great.
But in the interest of laying it all bare, I will say the 1 enduring issue I have is how janky it is to get Vortex to work for modding games, specifically Skyrim and Fallout 4… but thats less a proton/linux issue, as it is a Vortex issue. Big strides would be made with a linux version, but Vortex is just jank in general, even on windows.
And To be clear, I say its jank. Not impossible. I modded the shit out of my Fallout 4 install just last night. but to do it I have to launch the game with STL, use that to launch vortex, the use vortex to launch F4SE.
edit I just discovered Mo2 linux installer, and oh my god its so much easier…can even download direct from nexus with the vortex download button.
I have actually only had one singular issue with gaming in the last year (time frame. Not 2024) and that is fixed by restarting the game
this is exactly me every time i’m showing someone how easy it is nowadays to run games in linux, only for the game that was running perfectly the previous night to throw some random error and crash my system
The only time I have trouble with Linux gaming is either a multiplayer game I want to play isn’t supported or some Visual Novel having random issues every once in a while. But this meme is still true lol.
“ah shucks, Windows Update just initiated a reboot without asking, guess I’m out for the night guys”
Everyone in the comments: “Actually I don’t have the same problems so this is wrong”