From my outside perspective, he seems like an amazing candidate with actual left-wing policies and ideas, yet I’ve never heard a single American mention his name?

  • @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    On Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, West said it’s “a criminal invasion, provoked by the expansion of NATO”

    Fuck off, it’s provoked entirely by Putin being a shithead. The invasion proves the worth of NATO. Coincidentally , NATO is something West wants to get rid of.

    His other positions are fine, but I’d prefer a president who’s not gargling Putin’s balls.

    • DeceptichumOP
      -46 months ago

      He’s also said:

      West has also described Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as a “crime against humanity.”

      “Russia has its own deep authoritarian and neofascist elites who are in control and concerned about the Russian empire being gloriously based on its past, Ukraine being a part of it, and Ukraine not existing,” he told U.S. magazine Jacobin in November 2022.

      “This is the typical colonizing language that you get going back to the early moments of the age of Europe—the people are not there, the land is ours, etc.”

      Leftists are anti-NATO that doesn’t mean they go and support another imperialist power (Tankies excluded, but they’re tankies so fuck em).

      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        Blaming NATO for what Ukraine is going through is copying Russian propaganda. It is absolutely an example of “gargling Putin’s balls” at this point.

  • Ashy
    126 months ago

    Well, he’s running for a 3rd party, so there is zero chance of him winning.

    • snooggums
      136 months ago

      But he dies have a chance of siphoning votes from the party he is most closely aligned with.

  • @[email protected]
    46 months ago

    I’ve heard he owes over 6 figures in child support and nobody has ever addressed it. I support other candidates.

  • @Dinsmore
    36 months ago

    The main issue with Cornell West is that he’s not really a politician. He’s an amazing scholar, activist, and voice, but doesn’t seem to be able to put together a robust campaign. He started on the working families party, I believe, then switched to Green, and has now removed himself from the Green party ticket.

  • @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    His website isn’t secure and looks ancient. Also the front page is just a closeup of his face. It is clearly focused on shilling for his speaking and books. So based off of that somewhat shallow look, I would say he is just running as a publicity stunt for his business. Which is fine, I guess, but not someone that I would vote for.

    Edited to add: He actually does have a campaign website at cornelwest2024 that I initially missed. I went to the top result which was his main website.

    • DeceptichumOP
      26 months ago

      Is his presidential run website.

      You would’ve been looking at his ‘personal’ website. He’s been a popular figure for decades, has worked at 4 Ivy league uni’s, and even cameos in the Matrix 2/3 movies so I don’t think he needs to do a presidential run to drum up book sales.

      • @[email protected]
        26 months ago

        He’s clearly not a popular figure if you’ve never heard his name.

        His policies seem alright but are more like a dreamy wishlist rather than anything achievable. The paragraph of his wiki about his 2024 presidental run is more convincing than his website to me. And that is saying something.

        • DeceptichumOP
          -16 months ago

          I meant as in I hadn’t heard his name in relationship to the election.

          Also have you seen a political website? His is pretty good by standards. Look at Bidens for example, it’s a pop-up asking for donations and a link to a mailing list, not even a quick description on policies.

          • @[email protected]
            16 months ago

            Yes, A one page bulleted list of vague policies under 10 headings all containing the word justice at the end is not convincing. Not to mention the typo. Kinda seems like you are looking at him through rose-colored glasses.

            Your right Biden’s sucks too, but at least people know what to expect from him. It’s a lot harder for an independent outsider to get votes than a known person.