• @sugar_in_your_tea
    5 months ago

    Mostly #3. I’m too lazy to go through and accept all the invites, and I’ll just bail on meetings if I know they’re BS.

    I block out time like #2, but people just schedule over the top anyway. At least we have a culture of no meetings after 2PM, so I usually have some time in the afternoon, but I need to leave by 4:30 or traffic sucks.

  • @sjh
    45 months ago

    Booked solid from 10-6 today. My company switched to a 4 day work week, but kept all of our recurring meetings.

  • @Socsa
    45 months ago

    Combo of 2 and 5. I am also a morning person so if you put 4pm meetings on my calendar I will respond with a 6am meeting.