Now that patch notes are out and the season is almost here, I wanted to start talking about what classes everyone is planning on playing.

Come share your experience with your build to help others decide if or not they should start with it.

Personally, I played a crackling energy sorcerer and that feels like such a bait by Blizzard since there aren’t any good enough support items for it. With the two updates to spear and the unique, the build might be better now but is definitely two tiers below most of the meta spec builds.

I’m looking to play rogue or druid or barb in the season but druid and barb feel like walking around too much might be a pain. How was your experience with it?

  • Matharl
    131 year ago

    I’m planning on not playing this season and wait until Blizzard try to make the game fun again.

    Until that time (probably season 3, or never), I have Baldur’s Gate 3, Starfield and Hollow Knight to have fun.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      I got to like 65 on my rogue and have just been increasing nightmare dungeons slowly. Probably gonna just keep doing a few dungeons here and there when I get that itch and skip out on seasonal content myself.

    • @[email protected]
      01 year ago

      Wasn’t super excited for season 1 after the announcement, but was planning to do it anyway. After looking at the patch notes, pretty sure Im just gonna play FFXVI and BG3 for a while.

  • loopgru
    91 year ago

    I mained druid in pre, and while I enjoyed it enough, it was annoying having pretty much all of the build diversity locked behind unique rng. Similarly, while I enjoyed HotA barb, the fact that literally no other build is appealing makes that a non-starter.

    So consequently I’ll be going with necro for S1. Sever, spear, surge, and lance are all solid builds not locked behind uniques (though they can absolutely benefit from them), so I’m covered both from boredom and balance changes.

  • @[email protected]
    61 year ago

    Planning on going Druid without looking up builds. There’s some stuff in the patch notes that seemed…eh. But I’m willing to give it a chance. I just have fun leveling up casually. It’s already a back burner game for me since I’m not a grinder.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      I went druid for my main and didn’t look up any builds until I got to tier 3. It’s very doable and I had fun changing around builds based on items I found.

  • @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    I was planning on continuing my sorc even if they didn’t get any buffs because I enjoy the play style.

    After the patch was live I entered a NM dungeon using the lowest sigil I had on me. I didn’t even complete the first objective. It was a complete bloodbath.

    I might just stack defensive stats everywhere with a sprinkling of thorns so that I can stand and cry in a corner until people smarter than me can figure out if any of the gems make us semi-useful.

    God knows our new “unique” doesn’t offer any hope. It actually provides us with a refreshing new way to die, teleport roulette!

    Ultimately, I don’t know. I’ll probably slam my head against the wall with a chain-lightning sorc for a while like I’ve been doing since release. I’m a stubborn cow and I (stupidly) live in hope of a miracle.

    Maybe I need to just ignore all of the paragon boards apart from the two lightning ones and just fill every single node. There’s some kind of big brain Da Vinci code shit in there somewhere, there must be…. Some kind of cheat code that makes sorcs not suck. It will be my mission to find it.

    • @[email protected]OP
      1 year ago

      Sorc gems don’t look good, my friend.

      On a side note, I’ve been playing shock mage and only ever get lightning and shock stats on paragon and elsewhere, yet, my damage with cold seems to be higher than my damage with lightning and I can’t figure out how. It’s like blizzard subliminally trying to tell me that I should have been playing freeze mage all along. But that’s something I played in the last D3 season so only other mage I’ll play is a fake tal rasha meteor one (since those are the only items that seem to drop for me)

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    I started release as a rogue, but then swapped to Druid and have really been enjoying it. But I think I will try rogue again, or necro.

    • @jballs
      11 year ago

      I’m having a lot of fun with my Barrage Rogue. Honestly I’m kind of bummed I can’t carry her into the new season. With that being said, I’m not sure if I have it in me to level a different Rogue, so I’m trying to decide what to do for S1.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      I’m planning to play necro for S1 as well. I played rogue in the first beta, necro in the second, and rogue mainly during the preseason (have mid-30s Druid and Sorc).

      My SO and friend who play necros absolutely wreck with them, so I want to see how the output compares to my Rogue.

      • @[email protected]OP
        11 year ago

        Do you have a nice machine gun necro build? I saw someone do uber Lilith on stream in less than a minute with invulnerable necro so feel like trying that as well

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    I always play axe swingers in these types of games but for D4 I wanted to try different things. Had lots of fun with Necro in preseason, splitting time between both blood and shadow builds. For season 1 I’m going to try a rogue.