While shopping on Amazon for my usual old spice bearglove smelling system, I’ve gotten burned with what I’m getting. I want the blue stuff and I keep getting this white stuff. I don’t care if they took the aluminum off, I’m not willing to try that again. Last time I tried it my armpits got extremely irritated. I’m not a sissyfus type of person, but hey if someone was poking you in the armpits that would hurt.
So here I am thinking…hmm deodorant is the blue stuff! Antiperspirant is the white stuff. But no. Now there seems no difference. So does anyone have a good aroma deodorant that not white irritation based for me to try from Amazon?
I think OP just meant that he’s strong as an ox if oxen…oxen were the size of a human person. But good question. What exactly is a sisifus or whatever I typed there. Did it actually mean feminine men? Or more like really bitchy men who complain too much. Does bitchy mean people who complain too much? Should I have just said hey I never complain too much but this armpit rash is crazy? Does that mean the rash was decently incoherent? Do coherent rashes burn like lasers? Can you use a coherent rash to measure the Doppler effect in smelly armpits? What’s the speed of smell indeed. I don’t know. I just will have to figure it out eventually.
This has no bearing on anything said but I thought this vandalism bing/DDG picked up was funny:
Actual article:
I got lucky on the misspelling 😂.
I am assuming OP once heard the name “Sisyphus” and made a strange assumption about what he thought it meant and how he thought it was spelled.
edit: oh, I’m replying to OP… that explains why it doesn’t make any sense…
It’s a double entedre. A sissyfus is someone who complains about lots of things. Given such behavior is a choice, and makes life harder, they are also actively pushing the same boulder up the same hill.
I don’t believe that’s what OP intended.