Numerous cast members from “Orange Is the New Black” told The New Yorker that they were paid very little while working on the hit Netflix show.

  • @[email protected]
    151 year ago

    Kimiko Glenn had to act in 34 (THIRTY FOUR) episodes of Orange is the New Black to equal the same pay as Luke Cook in 4 (FOUR) episodes of Dollface? No shade at Luke cause he’s just doing his job, but what the fuck?

  • @ryathal
    -201 year ago

    So according to IMDB, from 2020 on Mara Wilson has done one movie, one short, and 7 TV episodes. I’m hard pressed to say that should qualify for three years of a living wage, much less anything considered lavish.

    • @[email protected]
      431 year ago

      That’s not the point. Does Jerry Seinfeld deserve $40-60 million for the last 3 years since he made one TV Special in 2020? No. But does he deserve a cut of the profits for the wildly successful content he made earlier in his career that is in syndication? Yes. Streaming platforms are trying to get out of equitably sharing the profits on content they host. That’s my (layman’s) understanding of the issue here.

    • @[email protected]
      221 year ago

      They’re not demanding the crew members hand over their wages to actors, they’re demanding the executives who take home tens of millions of dollars a year stop trying to ruthlessly fuck them out of every cent…

        • @[email protected]
          151 year ago

          As a union film crew member, I get paid a tiny bit.

          “Boo-hoo. Now do Amazon workers”. Kind of makes it difficult to discuss doesn’t it?

          Forgive me if I get a bit bitter

          You can get as bitter as you want, just direct it at the people who pay you as little as possible so they can pocket more themselves, not people who are slightly less exploited than you are.

          • @[email protected]
            71 year ago

            Agree with you, why be a crab in a bucket. You should support others trying to get up, not cry ‘it should be me!’. Change takes time and everybody can’t be helped at once. Also we need to tar and feather some greedy bastards

    • Natori
      1 year ago

      Great idea! If members of the working class fight amongst each other, it’s a great way to get the people reaping the profits to listen.

      You’re directly serving the studios by acting like this. You could have said something like “This is awful, and the actors even do better than crew members, it goes all the way down.” Instead you decided you should attack the other people who can’t make rent.

    • @[email protected]
      111 year ago

      It’s not crew vs actor. It’s the whole Hollywood working class vs executives who pander to Wall Street and VCs.