• It's A Faaaahhkeah!
    5 months ago

    Whoever you people are, I hate you!

    How dare you not have your own inner voice constantly telling you why you’re such a failure in intricate detail while reminding you of that time you said that weird thing in front of everyone at a party that no one else remembers.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      this is where i get stuck trying to define/decide what exactly we’re talking about here.

      when I “read”, I can imagine the way the words sound, but i’m just reading, its not a conversation some person in my head is having.

      If i can imagine a sentence in my head - is that inner voice?

      if i can pretend to argue with myself, is that it? or does it have to be like someone stuck in there?

      • It's A Faaaahhkeah!
        45 months ago

        If i can imagine a sentence in my head - is that inner voice?

        I think that’s the basic idea of an inner voice.

        For me it just doesn’t stop, like it’s just a constant flow of thoughts and sentences, sometimes for no reason at all it’ll rehash a conversation from a year or so ago and just get stuck on a loop until I can distract it.

        It’s not always negative tho, sometimes it will stay good things, but it’s just frustrating because I have a really hard time concentrating on conversations because one random word will trigger it to go on a tangent.

        I kinda think it’s the subconscious leaking into the conscious.

      • @jaemo
        5 months ago

        Just imagine that when the voice in your head usually stops speaking the printed words, that it keeps going.

        At first it maybe is just offering opinions about what you just read, but gradually it starts opining about your every action. Then every thought.

        In my case, and I think in many, we’re not pretending to argue. We’re arguing. And it never needs to pause to take a breath.

        If anyone ever asks me why I ever smoked weed, it was to shut that guy up. Just for a while.

    • @[email protected]
      35 months ago

      Like feral people growing up in complete isolation? How many are there in the world at any given time?
      By name, I know of one, Kaspar Hauser, from Germany in the 18th, I believe. Was a famous case in its’ time. Director Werner Herzog made a fantastic movie on this topic in the mid- or late-70s.

    • @[email protected]
      15 months ago

      The odd thing I have heard is that those born without hearing have internal sign language dialogue.

  • @[email protected]
    15 months ago

    I found out a friend had aphantasia, and it sort of ended our friendship. I cannot imagine not seeing things in my mind. I just don’t get it. I felt like I was hanging out with some kind of golem.