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Sorry forgot to crop the photo - fixed

To keep it vaguely educational here is the Russian word for hedgehog is ёж or for non Cyrillic enjoyers ‘yozh’.

    1 year ago

    And it worked exactly zero times. Soviets had a number of “great” ideas until they didn’t work. Kind of how they had to paint the roads yellow for their guided missiles to work, or how they welded pipes on MiG-9 to look badass for airshow when in fact it didn’t have a useful gun. They also had chemical warfare bomber which was their long range plane which they repurposed by cutting fuel containers in half and replaced other half with poison containers. Until they realized they would have to fly very low for it to be effective but short range and huge size made it an easy target.

    And yes, both links are from the same channel. It’s not a big channel but it has very interesting and well researched content. So check it out.