Or if you’re a generation older, the story goes like this.
The year is 2000. You work at Blockbuster. A man and his child are picking out 2 movies for the weekend. A drunk old man wearing only a bathrobe approaches the counter and loudly asks where we keep the pornos. The man and his child quickly nope out of there and you’re left dealing with the drunk.
I actually worked at blockbuster in 2000. Got fired because I couldn’t come in right after getting my wisdom teeth taken out although they begged me to come back after.
Never had anyone ask for pornos lol. Usually you had to go to the video store run by a 60+ year old man or woman for those.
I was on pretty good terms with our manager. We’d write comments in the computer on customer accounts to try to get each other to laugh when we scanned the card. Some of the comments were about the customer, most was just random nonsense. I remember scanning a card and an alert notice popped up with the message “I pooped in the drop box” and I just lost it.
Is the trauma in the room with us now? I jest though, thank you for the share!
it is year 2024, you have 100 movies in your watch list to choose from, the weekend is over until you decide
And you would sit through the bad ones because, you paid for them dammit your gonna watch them!
So many movies looked good on the box but were shit. Jean-Claude Van Damme, I’m looking directly at you…
That’s on you for renting a Van Damme movie in 2000.
I was gonna say if you didn’t like Blood Sport or Kickboxer, we’re gonna have a problem.
Still like Bloodsport but I thought someone else did kickboxer?
Nevermind. Confusing the 2nd one with the first.
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As a Belgian, he’s kind of a national treasure, but yeah some of his movies were crap
Did you watch his TV show? Where he’s an assassin undercover as VanDamme the Movie Star.
No, doesn’t ring a bell, I’ll look it up!
Ride your bike down to the strip mall. Pick out a couple movies with NC-17 rating and they let you rent them because no one knows what that fucking rating meant. Stop by the CVS that was once a right-aid, and was a Walgreen before that. Go strait for the sprite and angle it so you can read the bottom of the cap. Chain 2-4 free sprites that way.
Thnks for coming with me on that journey
Edit: baseketball & orgazmo btw
I thought I was the only chosen one who could read the caps. You could do it on cokes too. Gone are the glory days of free cokes.
I think around that time it was sprite exclusive but that was 20+ years ago so who the fuck knows.
It’s not quite the same, but I get a similar vibe now when I check out DVDs at the library. And no late fees!
Thrift store DVDs cost less than renting used to and you get to keep them forever (or return them whenever).
Libraries are free though!
Ah those sweet few hours as a family, forgetting your father is a raging drunk and your parents marriage is a train wreck. Loved it.
And remember people: Rewind before returning!
A mighty rewind, perhaps?
Be kind: please rewind
Did any one else have a tape rewinder, but also covet a friend’s slightly cooler tape rewinder?
I played so many different SNES, Genesis, and PS1 games this way. My dad was my sane parent growing up, and every weekend I got to stay with him he did this with me. He’d pick me up from school, we’d score some movies and games, and have dinner. No fighting, no crazy outbursts. Just fun times and chill.
When I was younger he used to read me Hardy Boys mysteries at night. He was a great dad.
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Don’t stick your dick in crazy
You could rent systems for the weekend! New Sonic game came out but you have the SNES? Rent the Genesis and the game, and have a couple friends spend the night.
In 2000 there was a fella who’d drive a van around our estate packed with all these Playstation games, tapes, Game Boy cartridges, all kinds. I think it was a fiver a week to rent a Playstation game off him. That was the end of my pocket money.
Psst, hey kid, you like video games? Come up to my van I got video games.
It wasn’t like a mobile home, it was a small painter-decorator kind of affair! That said, we did use to clamber in the back to get a good overview.
Now I got 200 movies in my media center and I can’t find time to watch at least one once a week
Watching the movie: not scrolling staring at your phone. ☎️
“Bold of you to presume that I had one of those.”
“Which one - a Blockbuster or a dad?”
Man, BB was always a magical place for me as a kid.
I’m sorry so many of you had such shitty parents.
It’s the 90’s. You’re friend’s with the guy that runs the local no name video store. He holds copies of new releases so you can pick them up after high school and give you first dibs on used tapes about to go on sale.
Was it blockbuster that had those snack boxes? My siblings and I would fight over the carnation instant breakfast packet.
That’s a helluva snack box lol. I wish I remembered those.
Also, carnation instant breakfast was awesome.