
Attenuates or reduces trauma and potentially eases the severity where its already happened

Seems to promote geometric and analytic thinking irl

  • dustycups
    185 months ago

    I think there was a study showing a reduction in PTSD when people played Tetris right after the traumatic event. Found it.

    • toiletobserver
      45 months ago

      On a much smaller scale, you can invoke logical thinking in children to help them get past being upset. Having them count to ten does wonders.

  • @[email protected]
    165 months ago

    No real skills but Stardew just happened to come out and a pretty rough time in my life and helped a lot. I would absolutely call it therapeutic.

    • @kakes
      35 months ago

      Same here with A Short Hike.

  • Favrion
    95 months ago

    For me it’s Solitaire and Nonograms. They relax me.

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    At adult day programs they play games like wordle and tic tac toe which apparently help reduce cognitive decline.

    I play boggle and find it helps with my anxiety but I’m most likely just using it to distract myself rather than it actually helping.

  • @[email protected]
    75 months ago

    Old Sierra and Lucasarts games taught me a ton of English (second language). Probably also a ton of cultural references and random trivia.

  • @[email protected]
    75 months ago

    I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of video games help with reaction time and peripheral vision. I haven’t seen any studies, but it would be interesting to know if regular video game players have better driving and accident avoidance skills.

    • @otp
      65 months ago

      Have you seen GTA players?


    • @[email protected]
      45 months ago

      I have definitely seen studies saying that people who play video games are better surgeons. Surgeons who don’t play video games take longer to develop their fine motor coordination to the same level of competence.

    • @[email protected]
      25 months ago

      Surgeons sometimes claim students who play video games tend to perform much better off the bat than non gamers so there‘s that. I remember an interview a while ago where one claimed he always asks the gamers among the students to demonstrate a technique for the class first because of that.

  • @[email protected]
    65 months ago

    Sim Racing makes you a more capable driver. Understanding vehicle dynamics has saved my ass IRL multiple times.

    • @[email protected]
      25 months ago

      My man if understanding vehicle dynamics has saved your ass multiple times, you are not driving in an envelope suitable for public roads. And before you blame others, some barely functional shitheel that drives their kids to school does not owe you an understanding of vehicle dynamics. Get over yourself.

      • @[email protected]
        05 months ago

        Holy fuck, pal. Sit the fuck down and relax before you create your own raged out alternate universe about my life.

        YOU need to get over yourself. You have no idea about any of the circumstances I’m referring to and I sure as hell owe you no explanation now that you’ve come out of the gate with raw judgement and assumptions.

      • @[email protected]
        15 months ago

        Just like the other reply above, you’re making huge assumptions about the circumstances I referred to in my reply; A reply posted to a chill thread about video games of all things. It’s so weird to me that two people have quite literally condemned me for daring to say that the things I’ve learned in a video game have helped me protect myself and my vehicle in real life.

        You know literally nothing about me. Just because someone plays racing games as a hobby does not mean they are a menace on the road.

        • @[email protected]
          -15 months ago

          I didn’t think my reply actually required a “/s”, but I guess it did

          You’re a little defensive, dude

          • @[email protected]
            35 months ago

            In my position, you wouldn’t be? One person told me to “get over myself” as if they think I’m on some ego trip and then you tell me to “slow the fuck down” cause you think I’m gonna kill someone? All of that in response to saying that driving sims have had a positive effect on my life.

            An /s would have helped if you really were just trying to crack a joke. The other user also jumped to the conclusion that I was going to blame others (for what exactly? I’ve never caused or been involved in an accident in my life; not even a speeding ticket) for some imagined negative effect of my hobby while also just electing to brand others on the road as “barely functioning shitheels”.

            What else am I supposed to do with this? lol

    • @[email protected]
      45 months ago

      And public speaking… And improvisation… And conversational skills… And strategy… And creativity… Am I missing something?

  • @L0rdMathias
    55 months ago

    All of them, as long as you take them seriously and continue learning about them. Games can be a mindless escape from reality when used passively, but when played actively they are vessel for learning and testing of various ideas and theories.

  • @[email protected]
    55 months ago

    The Souls series has made me a more patient, observant person IRL, and helped me manage my medically caused anger.

  • Buglefingers
    45 months ago

    “Revita” is a game I play when I get distraught. It’s a game that focuses on the stages of grief and is a somber game. It comes with a warning regarding the themes and messages of the game.

    Very well done, very good game.

      • Buglefingers
        25 months ago

        I have not! I’ve Heard of it and watched a bunch of gameplay. I might pick it up at some point, but as of right now it’s just in my wishlist

        • @[email protected]OP
          15 months ago

          Just watch a playthru real quick sometime and see if it appeals to you. The falling down song absolutely slays me 🥹