If compiled languages bother you, then you’re gonna love assembly.
Asm is compiled too.
Gotta bust out the hex editor.
Nah, just get butterflies
An assembler doesn’t have any of the interesting parts of a compiler.
Anyway, the problem with Typescript is that it tends to obscure what’s going on one layer below it in ways that don’t happen in traditional compiled languages. We’ve had decades of development on tools that can work together with traditional compilers. Javascript has not, and there are frequent problems getting different tools at different layers of abstraction to march the same direction.
You can write asm in hex too https://grantmestrength.github.io/RetroComputerInstructionManual/intel8080.html just instead of instruction, write opcode https://dercuano.github.io/notes/8080-opcode-map.html#addtoc_2 https://www.pastraiser.com/cpu/i8080/i8080_opcodes.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86_instruction_listings
I’d rather read ASM than … that random crap.
That looks like a minified webpack (or something similar) output, not a transpiled typescript output. Also the code is not valid.
You should see what scary C code turns into (shudders)
I looked at it once and was scared for my life. I can’t imagine what it would look like once compiled.
What this shows is how terrible raw JS is, when all of this crap is required to fix all of the edge cases and make things actually work the way it’s supposed to.
It only looks like this if you want compression and backwards compatibility. All compiled languages have output that is optimized for those things and not readability, but if you turn off minification and use a modern language target then the compiled typescript code will look almost identical to the original code.
Idk man. I use python ;)
Typescript is verbose training wheels for JavaScript, change my mind
All higher level programming languages are training wheels for programming