• @[email protected]
    694 months ago

    When living with my parents a few years ago we had about 8 people who had to share the 1 shower throughout the week. Somehow a little plastic jesus figure ended up in the washroom and it was an unwritten code that if you found jesus you would find a new spot to hide him. He often ended up peeking on people as they showered.

    • Aviandelight
      124 months ago

      When the first Funko pops came out I got my husband one of the Bumble from the Rudolph cartoon. (He collects Bumbles.) Somehow we ended up in a situation where we each started hiding the Bumble in various weird places all over the house for each other to find. He finally won by hiding it behind my shampoo bottle in the shower and scaring me to death. (I have really bad eyesight.) I stopped the game at that point before anyone got hurt.

    • @[email protected]
      54 months ago

      My dad and I did this in my teens with a plastic figure of that goofy black cat from Trigun. We kept it up for years all over the house.

      • @[email protected]
        54 months ago

        My father (rip you brilliant bastard) did this to me with clowns and the worst dolls the 50’s offered with my brother. Brothers retaliation was to replace family photos with other random photos…it would take him weeks to catch on.

        The best was in his car they gave him for school. Got broken into and after that he found the doll my dad left him in the trunk…creeped the thieves out and they left it be…as one does.

  • @[email protected]
    474 months ago

    A buddy of mine made me a giant D20 full if these. And he threw in a bunch of red LEDs that glow when you put it in the middle of thr seance coil.

  • @[email protected]
    404 months ago

    My daughter requested a bag for Christmas. We got them because “why not?”

    Turns out her plan the whole time was to snip the heads off and make a baby human centipede. I’m now finding tiny plastic baby heads hidden in a similar way, I have yet to see the centipede, but I’m bracing myself for the day.

    The kids are alright.

  • ChihuahuaOfDoom
    374 months ago

    Not close in scale but when I was working on a ferry someone left a pile of small religious pamphlets laying in common areas. I cleaned them up since that was part of my job but instead of discarding them I hid them all over that boat, under shelves, in cleaning closets, gear lockers, desks, above ceiling tiles, etc. I figure they’ll still be finding those things when the boat is decommissioned in 50 years.

  • 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    4 months ago

    I found a ziplock bag containing hundreds of tiny plastic ducks on the street about 6 months ago and I have placed them all over my apartment in random places.

    The other two people I live with have not mentioned them at all yet, and so far none are missing.

    This is one of them above my door.

    • @[email protected]
      94 months ago

      My cat liked to leave live lizards in our sinks. You could tell who she liked that day by whose bathroom it was in. Loved that little shit.

      • Flying Squid
        74 months ago

        My dog also brings dead animals into the house. Most often moles, but sometimes squirrels or bunnies. Sometimes just parts of them.

        Mostly because she likes to sit with them and show off what she does. And don’t you dare try to take it away. She’ll run away with it faster than you can grab it.

        Hooray dog doors!

        • @[email protected]
          44 months ago

          I think my cat was a bad influence because we bought a rubber lizard and started putting it in each other’s sinks after that

  • @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    Were I in his shoes, I’d probably be almost as amused by the whole thing as she is. The sheer absurdity is in itself hilarious and IMO the amount of effort and ingenuity expended to keep the joke going is very impressive and actually quite touching if you think about it 😁

  • Deconceptualist
    154 months ago

    My buddy did this at my place when he saw I had a pile of plastic dinosaurs. It was fun for a while, finding a little dino buddy surprise on the windowsill, behind the TV, on top of the bookshelf, hanging from the dining room light fixture, in the silverware drawer, etc. We had a good laugh, and after I’d collected them he did it again another time he was over. This time he hid them better, in my sock drawer, among my old CDs, inside the cover of a couch cushion, next to my toothbrush. But I had to draw the line when I found a dinosaur inside the ketchup bottle in my fridge.

  • @[email protected]
    44 months ago

    My brother brought these to Christmas a couple years ago and gave everyone a handful as a present; we ended up hiding them everywhere (including in each other’s clothes). Good times

  • Synapse
    34 months ago

    This kind a prank takes its toll on one’s soul. We once pull a similar prank on a flatmate and he slowly became insane.