“It’s just shocking. I’ve never seen anything like it,” the president said Monday.

President Joe Biden called the behavior of House Republicans “shocking” on Monday for “walking away from the threat of Russia” for not passing aid for Ukraine.

“The way they’re walking away from the threat of Russia, the way they’re walking away from NATO, the way they’re walking away from meeting our obligations. It’s just shocking. I’ve never seen anything like it,” Biden said in remarks to reporters on the White House lawn.

Biden’s frustrations with House Republicans have increased after the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who died Friday in prison.

The president urged House Republicans to pass aid for Ukraine on Friday, saying, “It’s about time they step up, don’t you think,” instead of going on an extended recess, which he called a “two-week vacation.”

  • @[email protected]
    1055 months ago

    Silly Biden. Republicans aren’t walking away from the threat of Russia. Republicans are all Russian assets, they’re welcoming Putin with open arms.

    • Flying Squid
      385 months ago

      Yeah, “walking away from” is a weird turn of phrase.

      And he needs to come right out and say the truth. Just like I think he and all of his surrogates need to start saying right out that Trump is committed treason, that he is a rapist, and that he wants to be a dictator. Hammer those points into voters. “If you vote for Trump, you are voting for a rapist.” And bring the receipts because there are receipts.

      But instead they do this milquetoast shit.

      Look, I would rather have virtually anyone on the left other than Biden, but it looks like we’re stuck with Biden. Now we need to convince the campaign to stop this shit and put their big boy pants on.

      • @[email protected]
        235 months ago

        Absolutely blows my mind how milquetoast this statement from Biden is. Like, we’re at the precipice of authoritarianism and only months away from what could very well be our last free and fair election, and this is the best the democrats can do?

        “I’ve never seen anything like it.” Says Biden.

        Yes, yes you have Biden, we fought wars over this same thing. It’s taught in history class.

        How is it possible that we all know where this is headed and our politicians and media are still acting surprised?

        • Alien Nathan Edward
          65 months ago

          when you’re a democratic politician every election year either you win or your stock portfolio does. they have absolutely no skin in the game, no one is taking their rights, no one is holding rallies to deport them or have them all declared child molesters. it’s a game to them. it has been since forever, and it was never more evident than when Hillary Clinton gambled with our prosperity and lost by elevating Donald Trump thinking that she could use the threat of his presidency to motivate democratic voters without having to actually give us anything.

        • Flying Squid
          65 months ago

          The worst thing he can do is act like a kindly old grandpa. So that’s exactly what he does.

          Meanwhile, Trump says things like “this motherfucker…”

      • TunaCowboy
        35 months ago

        anyone on the left other than Biden

        Biden’s not on the left, democrats are not the left.

        They’ve worked hard to maintain the oligarchic status quo furthering the corruption and rot that have led to the current populist/fascist movements.

  • @[email protected]
    475 months ago

    GOP in 2016. We need Trump because Putin isn’t afraid of Hillary

    GOP in 2024. We need Putin because we are afraid of Greta.

  • @[email protected]
    125 months ago

    Somehow the whole ‘Make America Great Again’ is only helping Russia. Such patriots, much wow.

    • @[email protected]
      375 months ago

      When we met our obligations they won the logistical war in Crimea and forced Putin to resort to terror bombing civilian targets in central Ukraine. Victory for Ukraine now means the destruction of the Russian state. Russia made it existential so of course the odds are long.

        • @[email protected]
          155 months ago

          The North Vietnamese had no chance of destroying America, but the Soviets funded the VC and North Vietnamese to tie down American resources and increase internal strife at home. From a purely NATSEC perspective there is no downsides to sending old equipment from storage to Ukraine. Clears out old stock and requires production of modern equipment to replace it. The Republicans would have been all over this 12 years ago.

          • @[email protected]
            55 months ago

            The only reason why republicans are against this I can imagine are:

            1. Make Biden look weak (“Oh shucks I can’t make them do anything!”) and Trump strong by comparison
            2. Because they follow their leader Trump who is somehow in bed with Putin
        • @Captainvaqina
          125 months ago

          You anti-american pro-russian magats are the delusional ones.

        • @[email protected]
          115 months ago

          Well, which question do you want me to answer? I don’t think I sound delusional. I think you do.

        • @[email protected]
          85 months ago

          Duty to defend an avowed ally? Interest because Ukraine is the only country standing in the way of Russia and NATO Art. 5.

          Disagree all you want. You’re wrong.

            • @[email protected]
              95 months ago

              If we just let Russia steamroll through and take bites out of Europe with impunity, it’s going to be World War Three. Putin won’t stop with just Ukraine. He’ll try to take everything he thinks he can get.

              • @[email protected]
                15 months ago

                An honest question - why would he want Europe? The assumptions for why he attacked Ukraine were because of some huge natural gas reserves that were discovered and because the pipeline from Russia to Europe goes thru Ukraine and they are forced to pay transit fees or something like that. The rest of Europe is all Nato and they can legaly attack them from all sides. Wouldn’t the decision to open a new front be like the most retarded thing to do?

                • @[email protected]
                  25 months ago

                  Some of the countries that he’s on the record about wanting are part of NATO and/or the EU. If he tries to take them, it doesn’t matter how much of Europe he actually wants to mess with. All of Europe will get involved.