I myself wanted one of those remote controlled air planes. I thought that’s the coolest thing ever. Once I grew up and had the money, I never bought it.

  • mindbleach
    1 year ago

    Game Boy collecting is still a decent idea, because they made a zillion of them, and they’re nearly indestructible. I would not recommend an original DMG because the contrast is honestly just terrible. I don’t know how we put up with it, even as kids. The Pocket solved all its problems (but takes AAAs), but there’s no reason to buy one because the Game Boy Color is just that, for more games, with a fat butt. Flash carts cost as much as two or three games and still get twelve hours on a pair of AAs.

    Or you could get the second model of GBA SP, with the proper backlight instead of a frontlight, and it’ll run the full fifteen-year library of everything labeled “Game Boy” games. Those flash carts are even cheaper, somehow, and the SP had a rechargeable battery as standard.

    In either case the key to sensible collecting is to take whatever’s available. The universal experience was to have a few games you really wanted (and hopefully really liked), and then an equal number of cartridges with no idea where they came from or why you’d want them. Usually overlapping with friends in weird ways. I bought a handful of games circa 2006 when they were dirt cheap, and one happened to be my roommate’s favorite game from a decade prior. Apparently Nemesis was an early export title for Gradius.