Republican candidate arrived late to Nashville speech looking flushed and exhausted to rant about Democrats, the Department of Education, the Capitol riot and the ‘silencing’ of religious groups

Donald Trump appeared on stage more than 90 minutes late in Nashville, Tennessee, on Thursday night, where he delivered a speech that was as wild as it was incoherent.

The Republican presidential front-runner appeared flushed and visibly exhausted as he arrived to address the National Religious Broadcasters’ (NRB) International Christian Media Convention, tripping over simple words like “evangelical” during an address littered with verbal miscues and false claims.

At various points, Mr Trump declared that he had made “Israel” the capital of Israel during his presidency (presumably confusing the decision to move its US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem), said that he planned to close down the Department of Education and praised the Capitol rioters, whom he again characterised as political prisoners and referred to as “the J6 hostages”, for their “tremendous spirit”.

  • Optional
    964 months ago

    FBI special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into his campaign’s alleged ties to Russia in 2018


    Alleged. You fucks! Goddamned corporate pinheads.

    Speaking of - Merrick! Wake the fuck up, man! DO SOMETHING already.

    • @[email protected]
      524 months ago

      Not to mention, the Republican party started a case against Hunter Biden based on a claim from a person who just admitted to not only having lied, but having spread lies given to him by Russian intel agents, and there’s evidence that multiple Republicans went ahead with it despite knowing it was Russian lies

    • vortic
      94 months ago

      It is still an allegation until it goes to court and he is convicted. That probably should have happened but “alleged” is the right word regardless of how guilty the fucker is.

    • @[email protected]
      24 months ago

      Justice takes time. He’s probably still working on making an air tight case so Drumpf won’t wiggle out of it. /s

  • vortic
    524 months ago

    I am so fucking tied of all of these headlines from both sides that take 22 seconds of a 90 minute speech/ramble and turns it into something. How about we talk about the fucking vile shit that comes out of Trump’s mouth and the reasonable things coming out of Biden’s? It’s such low effort garbage clickbait.

    • “Trump muddles through speech” because he’s fucking exhausted and old as shit.
    • “Biden gives deluded speech” because he mispronounced something in a way that could drastically change the meaning.
    • “Trump forgets the capital of a country”
    • “Biden forgets which country he’s talking about”

    It’s so fucking tired and boring. Why can’t we talk about the content of what they are actually saying rather than their mistakes? That’s what is important. None of this gotcha stuff is going to change minds. It is just going to make people more entrenched jn their positions because they see their candidate being attacked and smeared for obvious mistakes.

    Attack the policies. Attack the intent. Attack the motives. Don’t attack the stupid mistakes. It just divides the country further.

  • @xmunk
    444 months ago

    Damn, he’s pretty fucking old. Probably too old to be president, even.

      • @[email protected]
        194 months ago

        Yeah, we have WAY too many old fucks creating laws/policy that they either don’t truly understand, won’t be impacted by, or is just to enrich themselves.

        This isn’t limited to POTUS. It’s congress, SCOTUS, hell the governor of my state (Ohio) is 77.

  • @[email protected]
    144 months ago

    At various points, Mr Trump declared that he had made “Israel” the capital of Israel during his presidency

    Someone should ask him which country he thinks he lives in.

  • @[email protected]
    124 months ago

    I don’t want to listen to the whole thing, but did he really say he wants to protect AM radio?

    • @[email protected]
      244 months ago

      Car manufacturers are starting to release models with no AM radio installed, and of course Republicans think it’s yet another slight against them, since there are a lot of Conservative talk shows there.

    • athos77
      164 months ago

      Car manufacturers want to get rid of AM radio, particularly in electric vehicles which produce interference which hinders clear reception. Opponents want to retain AM radio, arguing it’s a more effective means of communicating with large numbers of people during and after a disaster. [Don’t @me: I don’t have enough knowledge to argue either side, just enough to have a vague idea what the debate is about.]

  • Teon
    64 months ago

    Old orange diaper dude still can’t speak english properly.
    Film at 11.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    24 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Donald Trump appeared on stage more than 90 minutes late in Nashville, Tennessee, on Thursday night, where he delivered a speech that was as wild as it was incoherent.

    The Republican presidential front-runner appeared flushed and visibly exhausted as he arrived to address the National Religious Broadcasters’ (NRB) International Christian Media Convention, tripping over simple words like “evangelical” during an address littered with verbal miscues and false claims.

    At various points, Mr Trump declared that he had made “Israel” the capital of Israel during his presidency (presumably confusing the decision to move its US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem), said that he planned to close down the Department of Education and praised the Capitol rioters, whom he again characterised as political prisoners and referred to as “the J6 hostages”, for their “tremendous spirit”.

    He also falsely claimed that “everybody” agreed with the US Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade and, at one stage, appeared to confuse FBI special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into his campaign’s alleged ties to Russia in 2018 with the spurious Hunter Biden laptop affair so beloved of conspiracy-minded conservatives.

    Mr Trump sought to appeal to his audience of believers by presenting himself, not altogether convincingly, as a man of faith, pushing the false narrative that Democrats are in favour of terminating unwanted infants “even after birth” and suggesting that any Christian who votes for the opposition must be “crazy”.

    Mr Trump is 77 and has found himself caught up in an exhausting schedule of late as he campaigns for the Republican nomination while also battling court cases in New York, Washington DC, Georgia and Florida related to the four criminal indictments and 91 felony charges hanging over his head.

    The original article contains 515 words, the summary contains 286 words. Saved 44%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!