Did anyone notice how one billionaire has the power and control to decide who can be elected and who can’t?
That isn’t a democracy - government by the people
That’s known as a plutocracy - government by the wealthy
We need campaign finance reform (among a LOT else but this would help) preventing corporate money entirely. Which means getting rid of Citizens United first
a) very true.
b) best of fucking luck on that.Yes, the corruption stems almost entirely from the legalized bribes.
wolf-pac.com if you’d like to join the effort to stop this madness
People have been yapping about wolfpack for years now. I think you’re being hoodwinked.
Do you know of other legitimate grassroots efforts to stop the legalized bribery?
Never should have happened in the first place. Anthony Kennedy.
We’re somewhere between a total plutocracy and an oligarchy. The millionaire class has a ton of sway
I disagree … the millionaire class has ALL the sway
Naw the billionaires drink the millionaires milkshake
They like to hammer talking points to the masses to control the message. How does one spread this realization for the masses to hear it?
The masses are extraordinarily susceptible to corporate media. All you need to do is control that - or, let’s be real, a good chunk of it is all that’s needed - and you’re in!
And that’s why networks and studios sell for billions of dollars. Also, “television never changed anyone’s mind, and I’m not swayed by advertisements”
Yea we need to tax the fuck out of billionaires so they cease to exist.
That’s the only story here.
Okay so just outspend them, right?
deleted by creator
When you have that much money, you fund every candidate. They may not win this round, but who knows what will happen next time.
Why were they backing her to begin with?
Plausible deniability?
Probably so that just in case she did manage a win, they’d still have some amount of influence as one of her donors
They were backing her because they don’t like Trump. They didn’t support him in 2016 either.
Which is funny, because he’s everything they helped create.
That only applies if you use “reason” or “logic”. So, y’know. They’ll disagree.
I think they can’t get a good return-on-investment with the demented rapist. Let’s face it, he’s beyond incompetent, he can barely stick to the script and often-as-not he blows up what he’s supposed to support.
Because they couldn’t control Trump
Many possible reasons, such as the off chance Trump gets blocked from running. I realise its unlikely he will get blocked but there is still a chance it could happen and would have looked slightly more likely at the start.
Also to force concessions from Trump. Not because she would have posed an actual risk to him in the primaries but because he had to spend money defending his position. If there is one thing Trump is always short of, its money.
She also acts as a blocker to other candidates, who may leverage a stronger position if she wasn’t funded properly into lucrative positions in a Trump dictatorship in exchange for standing down.
She’s done, it doesn’t matter if she drops out Tuesday or a week from Tuesday. Republicans now are Trump voters and that’s the end of it.
40% in SC preferred her over Trump, that does not bode well fir the cheetoh
They wanted gerrymandered districts, and now they have to deal with the consequences.
MAGoos are going to keep winning the primaries, because they are super motivated to vote in every election. Then they’ll keep losing the popular vote because people will turn out on election day.
Gerrymandering doesn’t impact statewide elections like President, Senator, Secretary of State. Just Congressional districts.
SC still votes Republican every time.
It certainly sounds like a recipe for voter apathy amongst SC Republicans.
South Carolina hasn’t voted Democratic since 1976. They aren’t going to change now.
Doesn’t need to flip blue…
It’s a winner take all state, so a Trump win is a Trump win. It doesn’t matter by how much.
That’s to bad, I was hoping she would continue to divide the red team as much as possible.
I heard her for the first time the other day and she was AWFUL. Wooden and patronising.
This is good, the last thing I want is competent people running the republican party
Considering how she handled the civil war slavery question I’d say describing her as competent is a stretch
Compared to the alternative‽
Haley holding the title of “least awful venereal disease from the GOP” doesn’t make her a competent politician
I’d rather have her running against Joe and orange man in jail
Marching orders coming down from the powers that be
Every American politician at the upper levels relies on such vast sums of money to campaign. Its just a question of finding out who owns them. Doesn’t matter which side
Yeah? Who owns Katie Porter.
Demand better from your politicians
Both sides!!!