Mine would have to be League or Warframe tbh.
Not really a game, but I feel this way about being a completionist achievement hunter
I’m still trying to learn Mahjong for Yakuza 0…
Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom.
I love Zelda I always have. The first game I ever played was the original Zelda on the NES and I was hooked ever since. I’ve even played most of the games and really enjoyed all of them.
But there’s one glaring issue that I have with botw/totk. The weapon/armor system. I hate games with weapon/armor degradation and Zelda’s system is even worse than normal.
They went from weapons never breaking or taking damage at all, to shields taking damage but get the Hylian shield and it’s unbreakable, to every single weapon and shield breaks after a pathetic amount of uses.
I would’ve even been fine with an Oblivion style degradation system where the weapon does less damage the more damaged it is but can be repaired with the right tool or by going to a blacksmith.
It’s even worse when you notice that higher tier weapons break faster than lower tier ones, or that enemies can use weapons forever, yet the chosen fuckin hero only gets about 15 whacks before a solid piece of wood/metal just fuckin explodes.
Yep, I hate spending a decent chunk of time going somewhere to collect some good weapons, then like 2 encounters later half of them are broken.
It MASSIVELY slows down the pacing of the game and makes it feel like such a slog.
I agree, it was not very fun. It would have been much more fun to just find one copy of the elemental swords, wands, and such, and just carry around as many as you could carry and use the ones that made sense for the current battle. Even better if there were slashing versus stabbing swords which were better for certain enemies. Stuff like that.
I will say, though, even a few hours into the game it got to the point where I had too many weapons, and I very rarely ran out. Every enemy drops some. And it turns out, I didn’t really mind fighting Lynels or “Major Test of Strength” guardians to get their goods weapons once every blood moon. I enjoyed how those fights were difficult and technical.
Even just adding a repair mechanic would have been great. It also would have made a lot more sense lore-wise if BotW had the “everything made of metal is degrading from a curse” that TotK had. It made sense in TotK that weapons were fragile, but not in BotW.
All in all, it was a top-design choice. They didn’t want you to find one Royal Guard weapon an hour into the game and faceroll everything all game. That’s one of the downsides of even having a “this sword does more damage than other swords” type weapon system. How do you even explain that lore-wise? If a sword is magical, sure, but some “Royal Guard” sword isn’t automatically better than an ordinary sword of the same size, shape and also made of steel.
I broke Skyrim for myself on my first playthrough because I did dual wielding, smithing, and enchanting, maxed both of those out, and made the most insane double-enchanted dragon bone(?) swords before I finished even 1/10 of the plot. When the first dragon attack happened, I chopped it up in like 5 seconds. I was so insanely overpowered. That never happens in BotW. Even with the best weapons in the game, fighting a Silver Lynel is work!
For me BotW was amazing right up until you fired your second ancient arrow. Guardians start as terrifying monsters you have to run from. When you finally get ancient arrows, you get revenge, and that’s extremely satisfying. After that, it’s just a boring slog of killing guardians to farm their parts to kill more guardians ad nauseam until you beat the game.
This is why I don’t get Zelda games anymore. I also am not a fan of the huge open world thing that makes most of your game time running from place to place so they don’t have to make much content.
It used to be LeagueOfLegends.
Loved the game for the gameplay, lore and characters but hated the game for its community. I quit though, a month or two now. Hopefully stays like that.
We are on the same boat, played some urf just see if I could have the same feeling for the game again but it’s gone, it’s a shame because I really enjoy the gameplay just everything else about doesn’t justify it. I also quit a handful of weeks ago.
I made this account just to say that i love EvE online but I hate how addicted I already am. within 2 weeks i’ve played over 150 hours already. I REALLY don’t want to play it like i played final fantasy 14 or warframe because playing games that much really burns me out really fast. So i’m trying my best to play EvE casually, which the skill system helps with to some degree but obviously i have 150 hours logged already despite this. I knew I should never have tried out EvE online. Now i can’t go back :(
That’s why you use Excel at work… to take the edge off.
Joke’s on you my friend. I don’t have a job :) Also i use linux so i use libreoffice and not microsoft office.
also i’ve never used microsoft edge (even when i used windows) so i don’t need to take it off my pc :) although i probably would now if i ever went back to windows.
Hell yeah, Linux for life.
You really chose poorly for a “casual gaming” experience my friend. Good luck
Came here to mention Eve. I love flying through space and assembling different ships, but it is such a time machine; it almost reminds me of getting into Civilization and feeling that ‘one more turn’ compulsion.
I’m pretty anti-capitalist irl, but something about the game has got me satisfying market demands and working in a corporation for fun. It’s weird.
Pretty anti capitalist as well. Its got me thinking about many things differently
Destiny 2.
I love the feel of the game, the best feeling shooter out there for me.
I hate how dumb Bungo are. I understand why they have to make some of the decisions they do, but it’s beyond me why they consistently pick the worst solution to that problem imaginable.
The game played fun and I liked it. But once at end game it’s: premade teams, yelling on comms and people that take the game very serious, combined with many features and challenges being time limited. Pushing a “must play” mentality, playing on FOMO.
At one point we where in a game, people yelling cause it was the last day to unlock some weapon. And I realized… why the fuck am I doing this… this ain’t fun. Finished the round with the guys, got the unlock. Uninstalled the game and have not missed it since.
No Man’s Sky. It’s fun and addictive and grindy and dull.
They may have fixed it since I last played it but my problem was always every planet is toxic or too hot or too cold or something.
You can buy (or find) upgrades for your exosuit to handle that.
Destiny 2
I love the gunplay, movement, and abilities, but I hate how much the upper management in Bungie has turned the game into a cashcow to milk until dead.
Satisfactory. I love this game. I hate the fact that it chews up so much game time. This blows CIV games out of the water for the “one more turn” effect for me.
But I was cruising the other place one day, and saw a user with the flair “it’s not a game, it’s a hobby”. And that changed a lot of my attitude towards this game. Now I treat it like an overly complex model train builder.
My biggest issue was how needlessly complicated it was making anything look halfway decent, particularly with tracks. Just getting the tracks to not float over platforms takes hours, then trying to get the platforms to sit on the terrain nicely takes more, and no matter how nicely that turns out, it looks like the game forgets to render plants wherever you build anything… All to pump ever more complex crap into a trash compactor while the cool space elevator stands dormant.
Ugh, it’s such a cool idea, but every action feels like a mistake, and every project feels like a waste. I wish I loved this game.
Oh, and I almost forgot the hilarious amount of waste nuclear power makes, while coal and oil are infinitely renewable and objectively the cleanest forms of energy. Feels like oil & gas propaganda.
There is an option to align things to a global standard grid. If you start construction using that option, everything in the game snaps together perfectly.
It changed the game completely for me.
Overwatch. I keep wanting it to be something it’s not and it keeps rewarding me with pointless gameplay and addictive micro txs. Same with the rest of the blizzard lineup actually. They all used to be so much fun, but now they just ring hollow even when I’m having a good time.
I loved Overwatch. As a Paladins refugee, it was everything I wanted from such a game. I played for quite a while, but then Overwatch 2 came. They turned Overwatch into Paladins, I was so disappointed and angry that I quit mid season 1 and that’s the end of competitive shooters for me. I play Vermintide 2 every now and then (great game if you give it the chance) and no other online game anymore, except some co-op survival game with a friend or two every now and then.
Same with the rest of the blizzard lineup actually.
Diablo 4 and modern WoW could easily be great games if they’d just ditch the fucking level scaling.
Whatever braindead asshole at Blizzard thought it’d be a great idea to not get more powerful when you level up (you actually get weaker because your gear stays the same) needs to get launched into the sun.
I think they both have significant issues past level scaling honestly, and I think it’s all by design to sell you the game as a service instead of a fun experience. It incentivises them to make a game that keeps you playing, not one you’re glad you played.
World of Warcraft. Ugh.
Yep, though I feel it is mostly nostalgia.
The game has devolved to a point where only tryhards and boosters (or people paying for boosts) are having any fun. The rest of us having to wade through the toxic waste they leave behind. The game feels like middle management having control of all the resources and if you’re in a lower position you get screwed over.
Ahead of the Curve achievements, gear scores, raider.io, simulationcraft, DBM, perpetually unbalanced classes and specs and mechanics interviews over Discord have ruined the game to a point where I no longer feel I can play the way I want to. Rushing to the point where you’re ready to raid and then spend hours reading strategy guides, configuring DBM, applying to groups, is not a fun way to experience end game content while basically skipping all the storylines, and everything that makes the world feel like an actual world.
And most of it is just symptoms, it used to be that bosses had relatively simple mechanics and raids were there to experience crucial battles in the story. People used to just get a group together and try defeating a raid, not too worried about failure. Nowadays people are obsessed with managing away risks of failure.
Being kicked from a group halfway through because your spec has slightly lower DPS for the specific encounter while topping the damage done charts in others is the kind of bullshit that I won’t deal with anymore.
Actually engaging with the end game content feels like applying for an entry level position where they require 10 years of previous experience to even qualify.
damn, fellow mmorpg player, feel your pain. FF 11 and FF 14 got me good, but im still gonna do every quest anyway. Although currently in 11 the game for me ends at limit break 3 quest because i had trouble with it last time i played, maybe i’ll pick it up again and give the parts i was stuck on another shot at some point. Once im past genkai 3 the rest seems a lot less frustrating. the lb 3 quest isn’t really hard, just obnoxious as all hell.
Dark Souls/Bloodborne/Elden Ring/Sekiro
Love 'em. But also hate 'em.
The love should be obvious to other fans. The hate isn’t from the difficulty, though. The hate comes from little niggling bullshit like the size or shape of certain hitboxes, the way the input queue works, the delay in rolling because roll and run are the same button, the fact enemies don’t use up stamina or mana, etc. There’s always one thing or another that will make me fume in all these types of games related to one of the above mentioned things. Like in Fromsoft’s offerings specifically I regularly get upset by the camera and lock on not doing what I expect or want. But Lies of P has a really nasty habit of totally eating my inputs where sometimes my dude won’t even swing his god damn weapon. And The Surge has the most funky input queue so if you accidentally press a button twice, you are fucked.
the way the input queue works
This bothered me a lot when I first started playing these games, but it’s actually a good thing once you’re very familiar with it. Everything becomes very predictable when you know the timings of your enemies and your own moves, so you can know ahead of time whether or not something is going to play out the way you want, and sometimes you can even back out without getting punished.
the delay in rolling because roll and run are the same button
There’s no delay in rolling in any of the games, it’s starting to sprint that’s delayed. The roll comes out the moment you let go of the button, so you can have it come out in 1 frame. If you have it ingrained in your head that it comes out on release (instead of on press) you’ll be in full control with no delay.
But everything else is pretty true lol. I think the hitboxes are a lot better than people make them out to be, though, except for DS2.
There’s no delay in rolling in any of the games, it’s starting to sprint that’s delayed
It’s delayed in the sense that it doesn’t happen on pressing the button but on letting it go, so it takes a split second longer than you might expect. If it went on press it would not appear to be delayed by a millisecond, as any game where the dodge is it’s own dedicated button would show. It’s super easy to hold the button down longer than intended in an intense moment and end up taking a hit because of it.
It’s super easy to hold the button down longer than intended in an intense moment and end up taking a hit because of it.
True, and it’s definitely not ideal. But what I’m saying is calling it “delayed” isn’t accurate, because the real issue is that the trigger isn’t what it appears to be. It’s unintuitive, but not “delayed.”
Like, once you’re over the hurdle of getting the muscle memory for having the button held down a moment or two before you need to roll, there’s no difference in timing.
Now if I could just get advice for the one game I haven’t 100% achievements in: Sekiro.
It’s not the inputs, or the patterns, or my timing… It’s that I can’t see through all the flashes and sparks that fly up when you’re in a fight. I’ve been stuck on Owl forever because the second half of the fight is so crazy, I end up losing sight of the man and can’t react to him. 🤣
Cs gone
I’ve always been a huge Valve fan, and I still kind of am, but giving CSGO the Overwatch “”“”“2"”“”" treatment was such a blatant act of disrespect to the players. I’ll never be able to forgive them for what we lost during that update.
Community servers still haven’t recovered, the weapons + buy menu are fundamentally different, we’re still missing a significant amount of maps and game modes… And they ruined any chance for GO to be able to continue on powered by the community.
Yeah I never expected Valve to do that. Very disappointed. It was a tad buggy on linux last time I played but I’m sure they have fixed all the kinks now
I used to play Call of Duty.
I love it so much. Especially starting a server with friends. The exploration and possibilities are endless. So many designs for buildings to try, looking for a new spot to put a base, etc.
I fucking hate the swamp and mistlands. Both feel like you run out of stamina continually. At least in the swamps once you’re geared to that tier you handle the combat. In mistlands you go out exploring, can’t see shit, have 3 seekers and a soldier come running at you from all directions, and a gjall drop in from above you. Even if you’ve got all the magic set fully upgraded it’s just ball ache waiting for stamina and eitr to refill. Also the last 2 bosses are a pain. I still haven’t killed the mistlands boss.
In addition, I hate farming resources for building. It’s fine when you are building your first house, but then it becomes extremely boring.
But if any of my friends are like “yo, gonna do a Valheim run to get ready for Ashlands,” I’m in.
Agreed. The swamp is a steep cliff but it works once geared. But mystland is just vile. I do not understand how they thought that would be a fun addition.
The must, okay… but combined with the vertical terrain is stupid. For us it also killed the desire to keep playing.
I think something that would at least make it not quite as bad would be to have the middle click/secondary attack for the fire staff be a rocket jump. That in combination with the feather cape would be cool because you could leap up mountain cliffs, out of melee combat, and above the mist to help give you an idea of where you wanna run to.
Also, it would be available as a moderately easy to acquire gear upgrade. After you’ve got the 5 black cores from one or two infested mines, you’ve got access to everything else you need to each item without too much difficulty.
Sure… but the combat is an issue too. When on uneven terrain, it’s a gamble if your attacks hit, and if you get hit. I actually do like the infested mines and the other locations.
Oh yeah. I’m not saying it would fix everything. I think it would help take some of the edge off on the difficulty navigating the biome though. I’m willing to work with some wonkynes, I just don’t like the entire biome to be a blind folded crap shoot.
Tried enshrouded yet? Might be a good option for the next round with your mates. I also enjoyed smalland with my friends.
Yeah, it’s on the wishlist. We’ll probably go for that once everyone gets the itch again.
The Binding of Isaac. Thousands of hours in that game. Love it because it can be so fun if things go right (or at least okay), and so incredibly frustrating if things go wrong