Leader of the Ukrainian State Property Fund says “If we don’t sell them this year, then next year their only value will be real estate, and in the following year, just the land they stand on"

    • VarykOP
      1 year ago

      This another one of your flailing moments?

      I see you’ve presented no evidence for your claim in the face of the reality that although Ukraine was predicted by Russia to fall in less than a week, it has resisted Russia, gained global support and reclaimed land for over a year.

      Even if Ukraine negotiates a settlement, they’ve won.

      It’s totally clear now how inept and ill-prepared the Russian military is

      • eleitl@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        Predicted by whom? US/NATO certainly have expected Russia’s economy to have imploded by now, so that they can move on to finish off Iran, China and North Korea.

        Instead, they sacrificed Ukraine, EU economy, depleted weapon stocks and will likely sacrifice Moldavia and Poland and the Baltics, unless they cut their losses.

        Spot-on about how badly Russias army is dealing with it. Just like during WW2. The thing about forcing countries to fight wars: they produce effective militaries. Teaching Russia to win against NATO in a proxy war where NATO can’t do the same is not the smartest idea.

        • VarykOP
          1 year ago

          When the war started, multiple sources in the US predicted Ukraine to fall in a few days -


          In Russia, a newspaper published a victory article four days after the invasion and then retracted the story. -


          And of course, various politicians and Putin and news organizations repeatedly reported that the war would be won within days.

          As for the economy, before Russia was proven to be militarily incapable of even defeating a small country, their economy was believed to be robust, but since the war started their tech and goods imports have gone way down, public spending is down, more and more countries are introducing indefinite sanctions and I think most importantly, moving away from gas and oil toward sustainable local energy, so I don’t see how that benefits the Russian economy in the short or long term.

          I don’t think anyone is sacrificing the Ukraine or EU economy, they’re spending the available resources to neutralize a threat. You don’t sacrifice a road by using it for your work commute, you’re using the road for a necessary action. Or a shield stopping an arrow? You aren’t sacrificing the shield, you’re using a shield out of necessity.

          Nobody is forcing Russia to fight this war. Russia broke a treaty, annexed territory, invaded a sovereign nation, refused negotiations, and is actively enduring sanctions in order to continue its fight for…something that I can only interpret as saving face (not really working). It seems like the country is being manipulated by a demagogue to believe that they must support their president in this endeavor that is important to him personally.

          Wherever Russia had chosen to strike, conflict would have taught them to fight more practically, if not effectively. I appreciate that the Russian blunder is happening against an ill-prepared nation that surprisingly saps their resources for an indeterminate amount of time, teaches the rest of the world everything they need to know about the Russian military, and damages the russian economy and military reputation for years or decades. From the numbers of the Russian losses, it doesn’t seem that this education is benefiting the Russian military at all.

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        The evidence for my claim will become increasingly clear in the coming months when the offensive burns out and Russia starts advancing against depleted and demoralized Ukrainian army.

        Meanwhile, if Ukraine negotiates a settlement that’s a huge loss for Ukraine as anybody who is not an absolute idiot can see. Ukraine could have preserved all of its territory if it agreed to neutrality before the war started. Now, it will at best lose 20% of its territory and may even cease to exist as a state. Anybody who claims that’s a win need to have their head checked.

        The only thing that’s totally clear is that you’re an utter ignoramus who has absolutely no clue regarding the subject you’re opining on. If idiots in the west didn’t support this war then hundreds of thousands of deaths could’ve been avoided and millions of people wouldn’t have had their lives ruined. All of that happened because of western scumbags cheering this war on.

        • VarykOP
          1 year ago

          As with all of your other claims, the evidence isn’t here at the moment but will be here later. You promise.

          If Ukraine negotiates a settlement, It’s like a weight lifter expected to lift 5 lb lifting 250 lb. That’s a win!

          If you think conceding territory to an aggressive country threatening to invade is a winning strategy, might want to look up the concept of appeasement in relation to every single time it didn’t stop war.

          Oh wait, you don’t have to, because The Ukraine already appeased Russia with Crimea, and then Russia violated their peace and nuclear arms treaty, and invaded anyway and tried to take more land by force, leading to a war.

          Again, you managed to sabotage yourself by choosing the exact wrong supporting examples! Appreciated, you do make this easy.

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.ml
            1 year ago

            As with all of your other claims, the evidence isn’t here at the moment but will be here later. You promise.

            The evidence will be Ukrainian army collapsing when even the most imbecilic people in the west will have to start grappling with reality. Don’t worry, you won’t have to wait long now.

            If Ukraine negotiates a settlement, It’s like a weight lifter expected to lift 5 lb lifting 250 lb. That’s a win!

            Literally all of NATO has been pouring everything NATO has into Ukraine for the past two years. US has literally run out of artillery shells at this point having to send cluster munitions now. Of course, somebody who is a chronic liar would conveniently omit this fact.

            If you think conceding territory to an aggressive country threatening to invade is a winning strategy, might want to look up the concept of appeasement in relation to every single time it didn’t stop war.

            If you think that getting into a war with a much bigger country instead of declaring neutrality, which Ukraine will be forced to do assuming it survives, was a smart move then what else is there to say about you. Ukraine will be forced to do everything Russia demanded before the war, and it’s going to lose a huge chunk of its territory. That’s the best case scenario for Ukraine at this point.

            The idea that trying to negotiate before the war shouldn’t even be tried require utter brain damage to believe. Ukraine would’ve literally lost nothing in the process, and the worst case scenario would’ve been that the war happened anyway. However, the best case scenario would’ve been that war was avoided. The fact that you can’t understand this is truly phenomenal.

            Oh wait, you don’t have to, because The Ukraine already appeased Russia with Crimea, and then Russia violated their peace and nuclear arms treaty, and invaded anyway and tried to take more land by force, leading to a war.

            That’s not what happened, but we’ve already established that all you do is lie. You are a liar.

            Again, you managed to sabotage yourself by choosing the exact wrong supporting examples! Appreciated, you do make this easy.

            Again, you managed to vomit a bunch of lies and expose yourself as lacking any capacity for critical thought. 👏

            You must have a fetish for debasing yourself in public.

            • VarykOP
              1 year ago

              That’s so weird, people keep telling me that the Ukraine army is going to fall in a week. I’ve been hearing that for 73 weeks now!

              Ukraine tried to negotiate when Russia stole Crimea. The Ukraine tried appeasement with Crimea after negotiations failed, and relied on the appeasement you’re so fanatical about. Russia then threatened to steal Moreland, and after refusing to negotiate with the Ukraine, Russia started a war.

              What you call lies have supporting evidence that has been written in history books for more than a decade, while your’ theories that you are so certain about are based on maybe’s and “gosh, you’ll see! Promise! Next week again!”

              You’ve just been wrong every week for 73 weeks. It’ll probably keep happening for a while. And then if Ukraine settles, they’ve already proved how weak and inept the Russian military is by a factor of 73, so they win.

              BT dubs, crying “liar!” without any evidence for your cries is not a very convincing argument.

              Especially when all the easily verifiable facts are above you in the thread there.

              It doesn’t seem like I’m debasing myself, people keep agreeing with the, again, easily verifiable facts, and voting against you.

              Hang on. Let me check again.

              Yeah, it looks like people don’t agree with you since you’re not telling the truth and don’t provide any evidence for your frantic claims.

              • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.ml
                1 year ago

                I’ve provided plenty of evidence of your lies in many previous threads already. It’s clear that you’re just a propagandist with an agenda, and you have infinite capacity for producing drivel such as what you wrote above.

                Verifiable facts are that Ukraine was committing atrocities in Donabs as reported by CNN, and it refused to implement Minsk for 8 years. We know know for a fact as western and Ukrainian officials admitted that the purpose of Minsk was to arm Ukraine. You are a liar and you know you are a liar.

                • VarykOP
                  1 year ago

                  Oh so you’re arguing against the claim that nobody ever made that nobody in ukraine ever did anything wrong?

                  Cool! Strong argument.

                  How about that 73 week long invasion started by Russia. That’s killing tens of thousands of people?

                  You know, that war that actually happened and is still happening?

                  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.ml
                    1 year ago

                    Oh the war that could’ve been avoided if Ukraine declared neutrality, wow you made an amazing counterpoint there. The reality is that Ukraine was doing ethnic cleansing in Donbas and scumbags like you didn’t give a shit about people there. Then after 8 years, Russia finally stepped in, and now you’re crying about it. You’re morally bankrupt.