Most disgusting food, stupidest people, worst weather, whatever reason. What is the shittiest part of your country?

  • @jxk
    121 year ago


      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        As a Bavarian: Yes absolutely. It’s not like I hate my fellow Germans but from a cultural and historic standpoint, this makes sense. I think it would get a majority in Bavaria and if Germany wants us to go too. Let’s go!

      • Hank
        11 year ago

        The francs are pretty chill tho. If your immediate reply to being called Bavarian is to distance yourself from that term you have my respect. If we defederate Bavaria they can stay. It would be only fair if Bavaria has to take Thuringia and Saxony tho and integrate those int the new Bavaria/Austria state.

  • @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    New Zealand has a ‘Shit town of the year’ election and honestly it’s a gamble each year because all the towns are shit.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      I love this answer because it goes for almost every country in the world.

      Also, they think they’re the centre of the country and ate better than everyone else, right!?

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    Probably only because of my closeness to it probably blinded me too much to see a lot of the decent people that probably exists, but where I grew up. A small coastal town in Telemark, Norway. They are just so goddarn closeminded, unapologetic assholes, casually sexist, ignorant tribal grouped, backtalking rednecks of a people. And I thought that was the uncomfortable norm until I moved just a bit out from there.

    I’m just glad they aren’t very religious on top of that or they would have been completely insufferable. On the other hand, I haven’t seen them racist, ableist, nor lazy. So there are probably worse places in Norway.

    • HopeOfTheGunblade
      11 year ago

      The sad part is they have a lot of really nice stuff in them. It’s just that the people in them want me not to exist, or, if they concede my right to exist, want me to be an underclass citizen who anyone who isn’t in my reference class can shit on.

      • Bojimbo
        1 year ago

        It’s hard to be in the metro areas of these states (Atlanta, Austin, Miami, etc) because they are being held hostage by the state government and are gerrymandered to hell.

  • Ignacio
    21 year ago

    Madrid. In my opinion, they see themselves as the coolest, the only who matter in Spain, while the rest of us are merely peasants… assuming we exist.

    • ThisIsMyNewAccount
      21 year ago

      Are you saying their hubris makes them the worst? Or is it actually terrible in Madrid and the locals are unaware?

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    Problem is, the stupidest people live in the most beautiful areas and make the worst, but also most unique food. But it’s probably St. Gallen.

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    I’m from Venezuela. It’s really hard to say, most of the border with Colombia and Brasil is dominated by crime and the law of the Paracos or Guerrilleros.

    I might say La Guajira in Zulio might be the worst region, but also Petare in Caracas is the biggest favela in the world and is way too dangerous, a straight up no-go-zone.

  • Granixo
    110 months ago

    Araucanía (Chile 🇨🇱), does not matter your skin colour, language or religion, nobody is safe there.

    Special mentions:

    • Talca, every single bad thing that happens in my country happens there first (COVID, floodings, forest fires, etc). It’s a common joke among chileans that we should just “Blow-up Talca” or that “Talca doesn’t exist”.

    • Estación Central (Santiago), you take your bus or train as soon as possible and you get the hell out of there, because the odds of you getting robbed (or even worse, stabbed 🔪) by staying too long are very far from 0. Do not ever go near that place at night time. 🌃🚫

  • @[email protected]
    01 year ago

    London Metro definitely, utter shithole. It’s a moneysuck to the extent that I don’t know how the average bloke can survive. Run by gigarich fuckronauts, sold off to foreign criminals; one big £12-a-pint, can’t fucking move for people, money laundering operation.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      May not be the most popular opinion in this thread, but hell I love British people hating… stuff.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        That’s just as well cos we don’t get up to much else. Not that we’re total cynics; sometimes we’re happy enough to break into fits of sarcasm.

    • NotSteve_
      01 year ago

      Just 100x better than Canadian public transport :'). We just built an LRT line in Ottawa and it’s down more often than it’s working. It has cost the city ridiculous amounts of money to fix it even though it’s brand new

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        That was how I read it at first too, but I think they mean the London Metropolitan area, not the transit itself. But as an American, I feel you T_T