Religious people: “cut off the tip”
Normal people: “wtf”
My favorite Bible story is about that one mass murdering, war criminal, defiler, who cut off the foreskin of the enemy dead and piled all that dick skin at his King’s feet.
He brought extra too.
> baby is born
“You know what that baby needs? A little less skin.”
Women I’ve been with like the less skin, but I dont know any men complaining about too much dick.
Careful, don’t equate it to genital mutilation, or both teams start losing their minds.
I think the meme highlights the hypocrisy of exercising bodily autonomy. Though there’s no autonomy or presumed consent in the case of the infant, so that’s worse tbh
I’ll be honest, I’m just shamelessly trying to stir up some shit with a handful of pro-mutilation savages from an earlier thread today.
Well carry on 🍿
It is mutilation.
The transitioning? No.
The child abuse? Yes.
By definition it is mutilation. The difference is consent.
Then removing a ruptured appendix is also mutilation by that logic.
Yeah… Because that’s what it means. I don’t know if your providing an example because you agree or you thought that was a gotcha.
Then I’m not sure what you point was supposed to be. If lifesaving surgery is mutilation then mutilation isn’t inherently a bad thing and isn’t an argument against gender affirming surgery.
I never made an argument for or against any surgery. My point, was consent. Please read the first response that I had made in this thread.
It’s a Doberman, let it have its ears.
You either die a Mystery Gang or live long enough to be a man in a mask.
The conservatives I know hate Jews and are against circumcision though
Next time remind them Muslims do it too
Conservatives don’t only exist in the US.
And not all of them are religious fanatics either
The conservatives I know hate Jews, blacks, Hispanics, and foreskins no matter if the Jews literally got them to cut their kids dickskins off. Let’s not forget all the women who think it looks better and is more hygienic despite never seeing an uncut dick in her life lol.
We must find a way to harass this power. It is like dealing with boomers all you have to do is schedule something in an area they can’t drive and they can’t come.
Maybe establish religion-free zones with catboy picture fields?
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do you really think that medical transition is as simple as cutting off the genitals…?
- A teenager wanting to transition is first of all giving their consent for the procedures involved. A baby cannot give that consent to have their penis circumcised.
- Gender dysphoria is a medical condition and a generally accepted procedure to cure it is: Transition! If someone has a close-to-rupturing appendix and the medical professionals want to remove it via expensive surgery, would you say they are just in it for the money? I wouldn’t, they want to save their patient! Same as with people suffering from gender dysphoria, as not transitioning can lead to serious consequences, including suicide.
- Transitioning is not done lightly. The affected person still has to jump through many hoops, such as a diagnosis from a psychiatrist, until they are cleared for transition.
No one wakes up one day and decides to this on a whim, there aren’t billboards and ads glorifying this, no one is wanting it forced upon you, and others having it done does not hurt you. It’s gender affirmation surgery. For a small minority of people, it makes them able to live the rest of their lives in happiness.
Did you really think this comment would be well received on here lol
Username checks out. At least the end bit.
Conspiracy theorists when anything involving medical intervention is mentioned: “is all biG pHArMa 😡”
(Do you actually think medical professionals are pushing transition so they can make more money? I’m curious if this is the new talking point)
“I don’t have any idea how transitioning works so I’m gonna cry about it” There, fixed your comment for you