2024, scrollbars? What scrollbars? We decided that you don’t need them. Sorry but your adblocker and script blocking, broke our own shitty implementation of scrolling. Please enable all scripts for our large ad family to feast on your data.
Search engine optimizers.
If you spend more time on a site, it looks higher value, so they do everything to increase the time you need to find the info you came for.
2024, scrollbars? What scrollbars? We decided that you don’t need them. Sorry but your adblocker and script blocking, broke our own shitty implementation of scrolling. Please enable all scripts for our large ad family to feast on your data.
I really hate sites that change scrolling It always looks weird and uncomfortable. Who thinks this is a good idea?
Search engine optimizers.
If you spend more time on a site, it looks higher value, so they do everything to increase the time you need to find the info you came for.
How can the search engine tell how long you spend on a site?
Bouncebacks. They measure the clock and then the same user’s return to the search page.
Because most sites have Google trackers installed.
Metrics and goals.