Slots open up at 6 a.m. for golfing nine days ahead. And every morning, in a matter of seconds, the reservations for these prime city courses in Griffith Park and on the Westside disappear on the city’s online booking platform, GolfNow. Golfers say that without using a broker, they get tee times primarily through last-minute cancellations or a waitlist, where they must stand by in person from five minutes to several hours. Sometimes the list doesn’t get tapped at all.

According to Watson, the investigation’s findings will be made public and shared with the Board of Recreation and Park Commissioners, whose five members oversee the golfing program and are appointed by Mayor Karen Bass.

  • @[email protected]
    94 months ago

    Such a failure of professional courtesy. Why can’t they stick to preying on the little people who don’t play golf, by buying up housing and pushing rents up or speculating on staple foods or something?

    • @pelespiritOPM
      24 months ago

      These were the public courses that have been there for awhile and in amazing places, so that’s exactly what they were doing.

  • @[email protected]
    24 months ago

    Always blows my mind to see satellite images of golf courses in urban areas. Massive green space in a concrete landscape, devoid of any real life that might benefit anyone, and fenced off so only the rich can use it.

    • @pelespiritOPM
      44 months ago

      Again, these courses are supposed to be for the middle class and lower and are $35 to use. The brokers were charging at least that for the rich to use them and one would have to know how to hire the broker.

  • @pelespiritOPM
    14 months ago

    Check your local courses.

  • @The_Lopen
    14 months ago

    If a person has “Broker” in their title, they are probably a bad person. I’ve never had a good experience with a broker in my life. Both sides of customer service, their effect on the economy, everything. They’re like parasites, enshitifying any and all industry they can adhesively stick themselves to.

  • @Corkyskog
    04 months ago

    If this happened at a course near me, I would get banned from some courses for sure… It’s barely affordable as is, and now rich people are using brokers to snag tee times? Fuck that.

    I would just sneak in between holes, and play into each person’s game. Every ball I come accross is getting rocketed into the woods. If anyone asks, I will just say I am with another group. If the golf course asks who I am, I will give them a name I heard when first coming in and then try to do the same shit another day until they have a picture of my face pinned to their wall…