I was gonna remove my text from the post when I stopped streaming but now? Nah. Fuck it.

Look. I have a twitch.

  • CubitOom
    123 months ago

    Me today after moving out of Florida and degoogling…Hmm

  • Flying SquidM
    93 months ago

    I hated the Xindi arc. I didn’t even mind that the plot was a stupid attempt at Star Trekking 9/11. The idea of a bunch of very distinct sentient beings with very distinct features that are all completely different from one another being closer genetically to each other than humans are to each other was so fucking stupid.

    • Electric
      73 months ago

      That’s a shame because that was my favorite part of the Xindi. An alien coalition is so much more interesting to explore than if they were just one “evil” species.

      • @[email protected]
        73 months ago

        Which they do delve into, but it’s mostly the “Let’s kill them all” group VS the “But let’s explore the possibilities” group and very little wavering in between. Dragging them out for the whole season was unnecessary. Can’t overlook “Proving Ground” for it’s Comb’s contribution, though.

        • VindictiveJudge
          53 months ago

          And, naturally, the more humanoid Xindi were the good ones and the weirder looking ones were the bad ones.

    • @[email protected]
      43 months ago

      Omg someone else who doesn’t like the xindi arc? There are two of us!!!

      Seriously tho, fuck season 3. I love Enterprise but always skip season three, there were just so many things wrong with that season, so many dumb writing decisions like the one you point out

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      I think the downfall of the Xindi from a worldbuilding perspective is none of the species were particularly fuckable.

      You basically had:

      • just regular dudes with Munchkin haircuts and goofy shit on their faces, like not even hot dudes really
      • Planet of the Apes rejects
      • the bad guys from Galaxy Quest
      • giant fascist ants
      • dolphin-dinosaur hybrids (although their enigmatic nature scores some points)
      • a (giraffe?) skull on a table

      I mean, maybe there’s something there for the monsterfuckers but it was a total sausage fest across the board anyway. There’s even hardly anything for the furries to latch onto.

      Like, cmon. You’ve got pretty much every* Andorian on screen just oozing sex, with the hot fling between the venerable Combs and his character’s dommy mommy first officer. You’ve got Archer and Tucker taking their shirts off and playing “let’s sensually massage each other with decon gel” with T’Pol every other episode.

      But they couldn’t make at least one Xindi species hot? Lame.

      • Flying SquidM
        23 months ago

        I don’t know that I’d fuck a Nausican. Or Morn. Especially Morn. I hate people who won’t shut up during sex. Just moan or whatever.

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          I dunno, I think this guy would treat you right (edit: link turned out a bit jank, I meant the second image, “22nd century Nausicaan captain”).

          And I mean, Morn’s got money so that’s something.

          • Flying SquidM
            13 months ago

            I don’t know, if they look like that upstairs, imagine what a Nausican has downstairs. Then there’s the Klingons. I don’t know about two dicks on one guy. And does that mean the women have two vaginas? Plus the whole “beat you up before we fuck” thing doesn’t work for me.

            As far as Morn, I don’t need a sugar daddy.

            • @[email protected]
              23 months ago

              Plus the whole “beat you up before we fuck” thing doesn’t work for me.

              Would that imply that cuddling and aftercare is a kink for them? You could probably get hella gentle strange on the Klingon version of FetLife.