• Lanky_Pomegranate530OPM
      193 months ago

      You know I bet that if I replaced the word Islam with Christianity this post would have more upvotes.

      • @kwomp2
        213 months ago

        Because historic context matters. (Get ready for some real life ambiguity) Imagine a ban on hijabs in a arabic country VS one in say, US or germany.

        I agree religion should generally be discarded. In that sense anti Islam acts can be progressive.

        Global power structures (post-colonialism, empirialism) are reproduced using islamophobia. In that sense anti islam acts (or jokes) can be oppressive.

        • @[email protected]
          03 months ago

          Something is true or not depending on it if it corresponds with the real world. Not based on historical injustices.

          Criminals can be victims, victims can be criminals. Two unrelated peices of information.

          So yeah it sucks what happened to the Arabs. That doesn’t mean Islam is not to be criticized.

      • GodlessCommie
        23 months ago

        You would be wrong. Blanket generalizations like that are childish and immature at best.

      • @[email protected]
        13 months ago

        You are a mod. Why not do something about the repeated locked posts touching on Islam? Either that or just rename this place “anti-christianity” to make it appropriate.

  • Snailpope
    123 months ago

    I upvoted because I thought it said capitalism, when I saw captain Islam I did a hard u turn into down vote

      • Snailpope
        13 months ago

        Those are all products of capitalism, are well know in all human history and are committed by more than religious extremists. You can’t just claim this is just a issue with Islam, or lump all Islam together, all Abrahamic religions, governments and political systems including capitalism have this blood on their hands.

        So no, he’s wrong by mean of wild over simplification and singling out a specific people.

        • @[email protected]
          02 months ago

          Not denying this is capitalism but islam is an inherently captilastic religion. Also all of these are mebtioned in quran

          • Snailpope
            12 months ago

            All are also mentioned in the old and new testaments. Again you can’t just blanket a single religion this way with out claiming these atrocities are their and only their fault. The problem here is the post insinuates all Islamic people are pro atrocity and that is plainly untrue.

            While I am generally against large organized religion, if your going to point the finger, point it those actually doing it not just the people you don’t like. And if if you wanna point at Hamas your going to have to point at Isreal, Russia, China, the US, all forms of Christianity, Jewdeism, Islam, ect ect ect

            Honestly I was wrong for upvoting based on capitalism. You know who commits atrocity? Humans, end of story.

            • @[email protected]
              12 months ago

              Quran is just a shitty copy of the apocryphal bible + gnosticism. I dont even suppoert abrahamic religions. Their only value is historical study.

              Also i am an exmuslim lol.

  • @[email protected]
    42 months ago

    if it sait “Captain Religion” im full on it, cause all these things aren’t special for muslims, but for religions in general