Because a lot of Americans think they can become part of the smaller group if they work hard enough.
Yep. Some people genuinly believe they are ‘temporary embarrassed billionaires’
I remeber talking to a friend , she was like I got no problems with Musk and Tesla and his market manipulation , coz elon is making me rich 😂😂
I personally was like that. I originally wanted to be a small entrepreneur through hard work, then the gatekeeping of said “hard work” radicalized me to the left.
I never really liked this explanation. I live in a very conservative province and many of my friends are like this.
NONE of them suffer from this delusion.
What it is is that they believe that the government is intentionally impoverishing working class people (which is true) and that this is partially the fault of poor people, this myth that there’s a huge mass of people riding the system on their backs. They often see the rich as having worked incredibly hard for their money (they often don’t) and don’t understand the difference between their uncle who’s a millionaire that actually did work hard and billionaires that buy politicians and control our society to enrich themselves on the backs of the working class.
Sucker born every minute.
That’s why I openly pity my A-Type, true believer coworkers going above and beyond and sacrificing their own lives to enrich the already rich further.
They don’t like the way I shake my head and sigh at them when they gush about how productive they were. I’m just there to get my subsistence crumbs from the owner class while doing what I have to. They see running up the score for some greedy fucks poisoning society with needless consumerism as some noble mission 🤣
Propaganda and ignorance.
This seems right.
Because the 400 pay a metric fucktonne of money to convince you that they aren’t greedy.
Easy I see and interact with lazy people everyday who abuse the system and refuse to try to better themselves I have had to the best of my knowledge zero interaction with the richest people of the world in my life. People see what’s right in front of them as the issue even if it’s not.
That’s a pretty bleak view of the people around you. Are you a manager by any chance? Lol
I wouldn’t consider it bleak I consider myself lazy I think it’s part of being human to be like water and go the path of least resistance. I was a loser until my dad put a shotgun in my face and said I was joining the Marine Corp went to college after to smoke weed and party met my wife there and only by wanting to get laid did I start getting good grades and applying to internships to keep her impressed started out in consulting in the late 90s hated every minute of it but after having kids and wanting nothing but the best for them I went for promotions worked around the clock and made partner 11 years later. Most people I talk to are the same way we hate work but have some sort of golden handcuff that keeps them going. I’d much rather just do nothing and if circumstances were different I’d be doing nothing and be happy I’m happy now as well but the cost of this happiness is much higher.
So to you you’re lazy bc you didn’t want to do that stuff? I feel like most people would consider you and anyone else like you not lazy since you got up and did it all despite that feeling. I think everyone gets those feelings and what makes someone lazy is submitting to them and not getting what needs to be done done. Personally.
Yeah but it took the two strongest motivators in life to get me to do anything. The will to live and procreate had my father not threatened me and if I had never met my wife I wouldn’t be where I am. I spent more time my first year of college researching VA disability and unemployment benefits than I did studying.
Becuase the rich have a PR machinery to their disposal and folks are gullible as ever !
That’s a lazy thing to believe.
The only reason 400 American’s greediness is effective is due to the laziness of the rest.
So… kind of both =)
Fun fact! “Laziness” as an idea (the sin of sloth etc etc) was invented by 16th century Puritans, promoting the idea that those who didn’t work as much as the Puritans saw fit were committing a mortal sin. The concept of laziness was used to justify slavery, because they were “just protecting the poor slaves mortal soul from eternal damnation”.
Obviously this isn’t true anymore, but nowadays, if you’re not constantly doing something to contribute to the economy, doing something to make yourself more useful to the economy, then you are lazy. Bezos gets to sail Spain in his private yacht for weeks, but if you take a day off for mental health, then you’re the problem. Our concepts of productivity, while fueled by capitalism, are still built on Puritan ideals.
Laziness as a concept doesn’t need to necessarily be tied to the notion of economic prosperity. Work for yourself and your own spiritual growth - are you lazy in that sense, or are you serious with it?
Laziness in the sense I meant is that we need to congregate together to combat the rich and hold them accountable. We are “lazy” because we aren’t so proactive as a society when taking actions against the rich.
Care to elaborate?
It’s both, not either/or.
We don’t live paycheck-to-paycheck because we’re lazy. It’s the fucking economy.
It’s not the economy. The U.S. has one of the highesr production rates in the world, and one of the highest GDPs in the world.
The money is absolutely there in the economy to make ends meet for us all, the economy is more than healthy enough for it. But that wealth doesn’t go to us, it goes to the 1%.
It’s the distribution of wealth/ownership that’s the problem.
Maybe not entirely the economy, but food costs have gone way up in the past few years due to inflation and it is making a big strain on a lot of people. I agree that distribution of wealth is a huge problem, but you can’t disregard the economy as well. High production rates and GDP don’t translate into affordable groceries.
It’s not inflation. It’s coordinated price increases. See the chicken article that was just published.
Exactly. The money from that “inflation” isn’t going towards the production of that food, it is going into the pockets of the rich. The wealth is there, its just going to the wrong place.
Amen! I don’t have 4 degrees and still work 3 jobs to make ends meet because I’m lazy. Most people I know are the same. Apparently some people don’t understand statistics or the bell curve.
You think 150 million people in this country are just too lazy to make ends meet?
Some of them yes others may not have the intellectual/mental capability or physical issues that prevent it as well. Most people who want and work to get out of poverty will get to the lower middle class which is a better life than 99% of humans have ever had.
That’s not what I asked, nor was it what the person I was responding to implied.
Uh yes it was?
“You think 150 million people in this country are just too lazy to make ends meet?”
To which I replied yes with some caveats as your statement is too broad and meant to steer a conversation into a specific direction without addressing other issues that do a disservice to mentally disabled or handicapped people that are perceived as being lazy when they typically are harder working in my experience.
I think everyone is lazy.
Lazyness is just greed applied to time.
Laziness is the natural way that mammals live. Our ancestors chilled in trees most of the time, but we expect modern humans to work at least 40 hours a week
I think that’s a really sad, cynical way to look at the human condition.
Perhaps while viewed through a limited scope.
But it’s also the precursor for innovation, and the drive behind automation. Without it we’d still be plowing fields by hand for a significantly smaller yield.
I just still don’t see how greed has anything to do with it.
You can lead a horse to water🤷♂️