A Boeing quality engineer went public Tuesday with damaging allegations that the jet-maker took manufacturing shortcuts to increase production rates that leave potentially serious structural flaws on its 787 and 777 widebody planes.

The Boeing engineer, Sam Salehpour, alleged that almost 1,000 787s and about 400 777s currently flying are at risk of premature fatigue damage and structural failure.

  • ferret
    393 months ago

    Dudes got some balls after what happened to the last guy

  • IzzyScissor
    123 months ago

    I really hope he has a plan to stay safe and also has a document saved with multiple people in the event of an ‘unforseen sudden death’.

  • @ruckblack
    113 months ago

    God dammit dude why did this have to be the year that I’m doing a lot of flying

    • @[email protected]
      -23 months ago

      Stop flying a lot. Jesus, you do realize the harm you’re causing the climate?!?

      We need a frequent flyler tax ffs

      • @pelespiritOP
        63 months ago

        ruckblack isn’t the problem unless he flies a private jet.

      • @ruckblack
        33 months ago

        I said “this year”, and I’m flying 4 times. Lots of people who need to travel for work do more than that in a month. Relax.

        • @[email protected]
          -33 months ago

          Wow, are you really so ignorant? You fly like 10-100x more frequently than the average person. Don’t you realize what the NO2 does to the atmosphere at those altitudes?

          Your carbon footprint is probably in the top 10% of all humans. It everyone lived like you, we’d need 20 earths. We only have 1 earth, and you’re killing it.

          Our grandchildren will wonder why we didn’t send people like you to the guillotine for all the people you’re killing.

          • @ruckblack
            23 months ago

            Holy shit the melodrama. Focus this energy on somebody who actually doesn’t give a shit about the environment. Maybe not, y’know, someone who just has to get to a couple fucking weddings and flies coach. Would you like me to refuse to go to the weddings on the grounds of the climate? I’m terribly sorry that my entire family and everyone I know doesn’t live within walkable distance, that’s really my mistake. If you think I’m a murderer, then how about you act like it and come get me. Act on the terrible crime you apparently think I’m committing instead of this virtue signaling garbage. Moron.

            • @[email protected]
              3 months ago

              This person doesn’t give a shit. That’s the point.

              And obviously you don’t either. Look in a mirror. Stop the mass extinction that you’re causing if you fly more than once per year.

              • @ruckblack
                23 months ago

                Way to dodge everything I said, hyperbolic virtue signaler. I hope you’ve never been a passenger in a car or a plane, else you’re a massive hypocrite too.

              • @ruckblack
                13 months ago

                This is you, by the way. Really helping the cause by being a toxic ass on the internet. What a visionary. I’m not taking responsibility for the structure of society that got rolling years and years before I was born. I’m also not going to cut ties with family and friends and ruin my own life for the sake of preventing the very, very little that I’m actually contributing to greenhouse gasses. Fucking cope, and find a new angle. You’ve got the wrong guy. You’re lucky I’m not the type to associate your behavior with all environmentalists. People seem to be agreeing with me that this misdirected virtuous hero act isn’t working for you.

          • @[email protected]
            3 months ago

            You’re preaching from a position of luxury though. Not everyone has jobs in their immediate area. Not everyone has family in their immediate area. Not everyone can drive hundreds of miles with an electric car to make ends meet. Not everyone has access to affordable rail.

            I’m happy you have these things, and commend you for your relatively small impact on the Earth, but just know that a lot of people don’t have that choice.

            • @[email protected]
              3 months ago

              The majority of the population has a phone, and cities need more mixed use affordable blousing

              99% of people have access to busses, but they refuse to use them like selfish assholes.

              • @[email protected]
                13 months ago

                You need carve a path of compromise to reach your ideals. Also, many women do not feel safe on buses in the US.

  • metaStatic
    103 months ago

    'member when 747 was shorthand for any commercial passenger jet?

    the enshitification will continue until profits improve

  • @[email protected]
    23 months ago

    You know they could just bring back the 747 and make a bunch of those but new. And have less problems?