This is why I always write my methods from bottom to top. This way I’ve always got a return statement and I use my variables before they are even declared.
That’s true, in fact I’ve started doing that myself. Same with methods, instead of going and writing the method and then coming back to use it, I’ll write the invocation first.
But are you gonna return something for this method??? You said you’d return an integer, yet there is no return statement!
This is why I always write my methods from bottom to top. This way I’ve always got a return statement and I use my variables before they are even declared.
For a second there I thought you might be serious
I do actually use variables before I declare them most of the time. IDEs make it so easy to then generate the declaration with the correct type.
That’s true, in fact I’ve started doing that myself. Same with methods, instead of going and writing the method and then coming back to use it, I’ll write the invocation first.
Spotted the INTERCAL programmer.
Ah an avid dreambird user I see