• @pelespiritOPM
    2 months ago

    Um, these are worth reading.

    A) Prosecution Opening Statement: They have audio of Trump having Cohen set up shell companies to pay off the women. Also, Trump had 3 stories worth a catch and kill that were considered true.

    • Stormy while Melania was pregnant
    • McDougal (playmate) had a year long affair with Trump
    • An out of wedlock baby (is this the Hispanic maid? I’ll update it when I find it)

    They have Cohen and Weiselburg’s (sp?) handwriting to prove all of the numbers.

    B) Defense Opening Statement:

    • Lawyers colluded to do this all without trump’s knowledge (got knocked down by prosecutors as a defense)
    • That trump was just paying Cohen for his services, just like his paid accountant would do. The lawyer is making the analogy of trump being just like a hired accountant, signing his name when told. That trump is too frugal to overpay Cohen for anything.
    • Cohen is obsessed with trump and really wanted a job in the white house and is whiny about not getting it. This is his revenge. Also, Cohen is a tax thief and got caught, and is now trying to blame trump. Cohen can’t be trusted because he’s a liar and even said so in court.

    IMO, the prosecution seems to be calling up facts and the defense is going the emotional route.