• BraveSirZaphod
    132 months ago

    It is also a Club founded to keep the LGBTQ community free of anointed gatekeepers and machine politics

    This is comically hypocritical given that you’ll be gatekept out of any group like this the moment you express any opinion they disagree with, speaking as a gay guy myself.

      • BraveSirZaphod
        12 months ago

        In this particular context, “I believe Joe Biden should be the elected to another term” in apparently objectionable.

        Similarly, “I believe that the murder of 1000 Israeli citizens on October 7th was bad, and also that the Netanyahu government is atrocious and its military response has been grossly disproportionate and involved multiple war crimes” is enough to get you ejected from plenty of leftist spaces that insist that the October 7th attacks must be celebrated as an act of radical resistance.

  • @[email protected]
    -72 months ago

    I mean…good luck. They have teams of people betting that you won’t pull the trigger and vote for Trump. I also think your group won’t. Kind of an empty threat.

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          Joining the Face Eating Leopard party is a fucking stupid alternative. Pushing for rank choice voting in their local and state elections to normalize 3rd parties is what can change things.

          • @Deceptichum
            62 months ago

            Not supporting the face nibbling party does not mean you’re joining the face eating party, it means the face nibbling party needs to make real steps to stop nibbling on faces to get your vote back.

            • Frog-Brawler
              32 months ago

              In a two party system where both options bad, voting against the option that wants to end democracy is your clearest route to one day electing a progressive. Not voting allows for one more vote for the guy that wants to end democracy to not be negated; to which point you’ll never have to concern yourself with voting again.

              • @[email protected]
                -12 months ago

                Not sure which party you mean is saving democracy. The one suing to keep green party off state ballots, and that refused to primary a candidate with a 33% approval rating, or the other one.

                • Frog-Brawler
                  12 months ago

                  I’m talking about the party that DID NOT send insurrectionists to the capital to attempt to keep their wanna-be-dictator in power after he lost. I’m talking about the party that does not want to end voting, that has forgiven some student debt, that hasn’t intentionally shifted more wealth to the richest among us, that wants to keep the EPA around so that there might actually be a future.

                • @xmunk
                  -12 months ago

                  Trump, they’re talking about Trump obviously. To read it any other way is disingenuous and if you genuinely think they may have been talking about Biden then you’re delusional.

            • @[email protected]
              22 months ago

              The leopards eat everyone’s face if they win. And in a first past the pole election, sitting out helps them eat all our faces.

              • @Deceptichum
                -22 months ago

                The leopards win either way.

                Holding them to account is the only way to change things.

            • @xmunk
              -12 months ago

              This really depends on what you mean by “not supporting” - are you speaking out against them, primarying them, advocating for better policies? I’m with you 100%… the issue is the camp that decides to protest vote Trump or not participate in the general election.

              Our voting system is broken and in the general election your choices are Trump or Biden.

              • @[email protected]
                2 months ago

                YOUR choices are Trump or Biden. I refuse to participate in a system that gives me no representation in government.

                The refusal to primary came from the DNC, and our calls to challenge them or push for better policies go unheard

      • @[email protected]
        12 months ago

        That’s not exactly how it works. People could get motivated to run for office and actually start changing the makeup of the Democrats. The leadership we have today stems from a very long of complacency. And our choices may be functionally limited to two groups. Their makeup isn’t so limited.

        • @[email protected]
          -42 months ago

          There is no changing a system that’s operating as designed. The only effective change will come from dismantling the DNC as a political party and allowing a new party to take its place.

            • @[email protected]
              -32 months ago

              Anyone with a basic understanding of how it works would oppose it. It’s an abusive good cop/bad cop relationship. In the end they are both cops sworn to uphold the white supremacist laws this country was founded on.