• @[email protected]
    552 months ago

    Maybe Cricket killed the chickens because she knew she screwed up the pheasant hunt the day before?

    Also, apparently when Noem didn’t quite kill the goat with the first shotgun blast, she let the poor thing suffer while she walked back to her car to get another shell. It was a bit of a killing spree that day.

    Not only did Noem show a shocking lack of empathy, she also showed a shocking lack of judgment. She thought that story made her look good. Keep this woman out of office and definitely away from writing any more books.

    • chingadera
      2 months ago

      I’d prefer they keep admitting to being horrible, makes it easier to navigate for at least 60% of us

    • @[email protected]
      132 months ago

      Let’s go a step further keep every Republican out of office.

      They’re all losers. I could substitute 100 Republicans in her place and expect every single one to act the way she did.

      • @[email protected]
        202 months ago

        Nah most Repubs wouldnt do this, they all have their unique brand of evil. This type of proud dog murder requires a certain blend of rural fetishization and a “women can do toxic masculinity too” attitude.

        Matt Gaetz wouldnt do this, he knows that it wouldnt play well on tiktok for all the 17 year olds hes trying to sleep with.

        Doug Burgum wouldnt do this, he would hire a minimum wage contractor to kill the dog, and structure the whole operation under a LLC for tax preferred status.

        Lich McConnel wouldnt do this, he is busy deep in the senate catacombs, guarding his phylactery and casting blood magic to ensure Democrats will never appoint a supreme court justice.

  • @Ashyr
    462 months ago

    Cricket deserved better.

  • @[email protected]
    222 months ago

    This sounds so very like the Boomer mindset: get yours, get out, and leave the fall-out for others to deal with (those still alive at least).

    Next: she will be shocked, Shocked I tell you, SHOCKED when the consequences of her actions catches up to her.

  • @[email protected]
    172 months ago

    It’s what a strong leader would do. /s

    Fucking asshole. It was a dog. You could have got it a new home.

    • @teegus
      372 months ago

      Kirsti Noem shot her dog (and a goat) and wrote about it in her book. She’s a possible vice presidental candidate for Trump.

  • guyrocket
    32 months ago

    This book needs a new name.

    I propose: Incompetent Boob.

  • @[email protected]
    02 months ago

    God I hope she sees this shit somewhere. It should be plastered all over any place that bimbo dwells.