“…across all the state’s utilities by 2035.”
Is this a good balance between ambitious and realistic timeline? 2035 is just over a decade away.
It’s better than no mandate, and tbh 10 years for a big public infrastructure project is probably about right
I’d expect the bulk of that progress could be made by the halfway mark though
Ideally, there would be an interim target as well (say 85% by 2030) but it seems like Vermont is already on the right track at least.
Bernie is and will forever be the goat
Anything that is far enough into the future to be the consequence of future members of government that doesn’t have any targets leading to that point is just posturing.
Posturing is better than nothing, but not by much.
Vermonts electricity was 48% clean energy(renewables and nuclear). To go to 100% they need to add storage, a lot more renewable generation and upgrade the grid. All of that requires planning, ordering the parts and then building it. Doing it in a decade is a realistic, but ambitus target.
I read that as “Voldemort” and was both confused and impressed.
Not really surprised if someone J.K.Rowling paints as evil isn’t actually that bad tbh.