Canada Post wants the federal government to consider changing the legislation that requires it to deliver letter mail daily— a mandate the Crown corporation says no longer reflects modern realities and is causing it to lose money.

“If you have a community mailbox, a lot of people check it once or twice a week,” said Jon Hamilton, vice-president of communications at Canada Post.

“We need to work with government to ensure the regulatory framework aligns with today’s needs.”

The postal charter, which dictates how frequently Canada Post delivers mail, hasn’t undergone any significant changes since it was created in 2009, Hamilton said.

  • xmunk
    10 months ago

    (Un?)fortunately I live in a strongly NDP district so I always get to vote my conscious and approve of my mp’s stances in general. So I can’t threaten to vote for the NDP but I also get to enjoy not holding my nose to vote against a conservative.