The newly announced “Public Content Policy” will now join Reddit’s existing privacy policy and content policy to guide how Reddit’s data is being accessed and used by commercial entities and other partners.
Oh so now the data is being sold instead of given away freely lmao
See my other comments in this thread. Mangle your previous Reddit comments however you see fit, and let them sell your mangled garbage…
deleted by creator
Meh, it is what it is, I get that. Still, it’s rewritable storage on my end, so I’m like what can I do with it?
Run it through an AI to accelerate model collapse. In fact make more comments, but run all through an AI first.
This is another delusional fantasy from people who don’t understand how the models work or the basics of statistics.
Ai isn’t going to collapse due to bad data and adding noise won’t have any effect because it’s statically irrelevant. Newer approaches also have various checks built in for veracity so gpt5 going forward it’ll have even less effect.
That doesn’t change the fact trying to destroy a technology which will disproportionately benefit the most impoverished people on the planet by allowing them to access vital services such as education in their first language is a frankly evil act. And that’s only one of the thousands of positive use cases for natural language computing and ai.
“Trust us, this is the exploitation of human labor that will finally make life better for everyone!”
- Capitalists, every time
Freeing people from the effects of poverty is good regardless of it coming about in a system which is often exploitative. Beyond capitalism bad you have no argument yet you shrug off that complaint with literally everything else you do - if you really thought capitalism is evil then the concept of copyright would be disgusting to you, but you love it when it allows you to rent seek or gate keep.
You are here on the internet despite every bit of it being run by private companies. You play video games and whatever else without the slightest concern but a tech that could allow poor people access to education angers you simply because you feel it devalues the privilege your global affluence and education have brought you.
I hope you realize that this isn’t going to look good for you in retrospect, when the global south isn’t being exploited to benefit western nations becauae we have ai tools able to supply the vital service required to improve things people will shake their heads remember people once tried to disrupt and defeat such a useful and important technology.
I used a tool to mangle my comments last June, manually verifying that every single comment in my decade+ account history was changed.
About a month ago I looked at my profile, and several comments — including ones on the first page of my profile (that I definitely know would have been edited, that close to the top) — were reverted to their unedited state.I wonder if an edit then delete would do it - multiple steps.
They probably look for edits after a certain amount of time has passed from the original comment or post. It wouldn’t matter how many edits you make after that initial time period. They’d just revert back to the one before the long time period, if it exists. That’s how I’d do it, anyway.
in their defense, it was probably also being sold before.
I’m sad how far Reddit has fallen from its peak.
At the same time, I’m quite glad I left it a year ago.
I tried to go back, but it feels hollow. Plus, the shit ton of ads didn’t help.
There is a handful of smaller communities that still exists that are still good. But most of them are gone or filled with content farming spam.
they drove away the back bone of content and replaced with shiti bots to try to drive engagement. it is not that obvious at first but a while a you just feel that it is dead.
SEO killed google search, whatever this shit is deff killed reddit.
volumes of content being generate tho…
Most of you don’t remember, but way back when, ad money was crazy when no one knew how to advertise online. Banner ads could get $2 a click. It collapsed around mid year 2000. I see the same happening here.
Sync for Lemmy now spams your screen with ads unless you fork over cash for the premium version. I immediately switched to connect app
I’m be honest, I bought the premium version with my fat Google opinion money. What else can I do with it?
For real, I think it’s worth it. I use the app almost every day, and the app is easily the most intuitive for Lemmy.
Jerboa fans, go back to your terminals 😅 jk… sort of
I literally never see ads on it.
Oh, absolutely. It’s completely lost its appeal for me. Moreso because a ton of the more technical subs I used to frequent were populated by power users, and a significant fraction of those users have very aggressively and thoroughly scrubbed their accounts. We’re mostly all on Lemmy now :)
Out of curiosity, what subs did you hang out on that had the power users migrate over to Lemmy?
Eh, I should clarify.
That’s more of an inference on my part, judging from how often I come across threads that have a ton of the comments scrubbed to nonsense and/or deleted. It’s more noticeable when you have an extremely particular error or config issue that you’re digging around for. Used to be that you could just dump a part of the error message into google, append
, and usually get a pretty precise answer to your problem. Nowadays, its way harder to find, because much of the really good historical stuff got scrubbed (and, by extension, the users providing those answers are gone), and recent content is much more polluted with LLM-generated crap, which I simply do not trust for stuff like this.
Your upvotes are at 69 so I just want to say nice post.
Remember when reddit used to have great AMAs to look forward to? Or when askreddit wasn’t all sex questions from 13 year old kids? Or when wtf was actually wtf content? Ah the good old days.
The last two weren’t ever true
In the old days WTF was fucked up shit haha
Or when r/all wasn’t filled with Reddit soap-opera content in AITAH, TIFU, relationshipadvice, etc which are clearly fanfic and everyone pretends like they are real.
I just saved two homeless kids from being run over by a firetruck am I the asshole?
which are clearly fanfic and everyone pretends like they are real.
"Oh WhO cArEs?! ThEy aRe sTilL eNtErTaInInG! "- thirteen year olds
And BORU was actually interesting stories instead of… Compilations of other redditors’ creative writing.
Or when it wasn’t run by Zionists and people with political agendas?
That never existed.
Unfortunately, we see more and more commercial entities using unauthorized access or misusing authorized access to collect public data in bulk, including Reddit public content, worse, these entities perceive they have no limitation on their usage of that data, and they do so with no regard for user rights or privacy, ignoring reasonable legal, safety, and user removal requests. While we will continue our efforts to block known bad actors, we need to do more to restrict access to Reddit public content at scale to trusted actors who have agreed to abide by our policies. But we also need to continue to ensure that users, mods, researchers, and other good-faith, non-commercial actors have access.”
So, pay to get access, like Google did with their $60 million deal. We’re nothing but money to them.
deleted by creator
We’re nothing but money to them.
Welcome to capitalism?
Always has been.
They do so with no regard for user rights or privacy
Yeah but throw them a buck and all those rights and privacy go away
You fellow Lemmings / banned Redditors wanna try to have some fun? Let me know if you can view my edited comment, edited well after my ban…
Please let me know if you folks can or can’t read my post-ban edited comment. I’m experimenting on how much I can do with my old banned Reddit account.
Does this help?
Yes! This confirms others can access and view my edit!
I can even reply to it.
Haha, cool cool!
We don’t know how deletions work on the back end of Reddit. It might just be marked deleted but exist on the servers. And I assume that’s the case. Especially for things >24 hours
Still, I just edited my comment from like 2 years ago, under my banned account, under a deleted post…
I got 7 years worth of Reddit comments I can edit! I could make my own custom fragmented Base64 filesystem with my old comments LOL!
Good luck :p
I just tried editing another old comment to drop in the entire Bee Movie script.
Reddit gave me an error that said it must be under 10,000 characters. Welp, now we know the limits!
We’re pushing the system on what is possible
I believe it was in gurren lagan where they said “reject common sense to make the impossible possible”
I dunno if Id take gurren lagann as gospel, they were a big fan of touching the untouchable
That was my goal in quoting it
Anything is possible, especially with teamwork…
Whether I fully master this sort of process first or not is beside the point. It really takes teamwork.
I’m just proving the concept to start with…
Make sure you use those 10000 characters as wisely as possible to thwart good compression.
Ah, I like the way you think!
It’s still just a fresh idea that’s only been bouncing around in my head for the past few days.
Had to get confirmation others can see it first before considering how to proceed.
I’m not exactly in any rush, but it’s a proof of concept…
Back when i left reddit after the 3pa fiasco I used a browser side script to sift through all my comments and posts, edit them to a fuck spez message, and then delete. Made the whole process very convenient.
It is called power delete suite
And actually, it is known how Reddit flags deleted stuff. They flag it with 999.
We can thank Camas for that…
They store the current edit and one previous version back, and deletion does not count as an edit as it only hides the latest version from showing on the front end and through the api.
This was found out by people trying to edit and delete comments in mass during the api exodus.
So you’d want to edit the comment to garbage twice before deleting it, and hope they aren’t willing to restore shit from deeper backups they surely have for system safety (speaking as a systems engineer) that they haven’t pulled from yet.
Ah, this is useful knowledge, thank you fellow Lemming!
I can see the comment
I can see it via the webapp
Cool beans!
I just stress tested the idea with the entire Bee Movie script, Reddit said it has to be less than 10,000 characters…
So now we know the limits!
Hahaha nice!
I searched my name and found a few times my name was mentioned in replies. I looked at the parent comment which were mine and though my names is Deleted, my comments were back not edited and deleted. I assume that they have undone all the changes I made.
Oof. Well, I have no particular expectations anyways, just seems like a fun thing to experiment with.
I am Jack’s unconcealed surprise.
My concern is that Reddit will still be one of the biggest social media site that hosts multiple valuable resources that had been gathered for nearly 20 years. This reason alone will not dissuade users from leaving. I love AskHistorians, but I doubt they will migrate somewhere, and the treasure trove of knowledge from the subreddit could not be moved elsewhere. Reddit knows this so they will continue with their shenanigans.
Edit: clarity
Interest rates rise, investors want returns, companies make cuts to make profits. Public API is just an expense.